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Rhema in the Storm

When we are in different circumstances, God timely reveals us His words and light (Rhema) apart from the Bible, guiding us on how to move forward. Looking back at the past 23 years, 611 has encountered numerous storms, but God’s rhema has led us safely through them all.

I remember in 2006, when we were still having gatherings at the North Point Pier, the landlord demanded that we must vacate the premises within three months. I received God’s rhema from Exodus, where the Israelites faced the Red Sea in front and pursuing enemies behind. In that critical moment, God said, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see My salvation, which I will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.” Although we did not know how God would work at that time, looking back now, if it were not for the deadline, we would not have moved to the center of Hong Kong, Tsuen Wan, entering the promised land that God had prepared for us. Now in Tsuen Wan, we still carry on church-building and keep expanding. Although we have encountered social movements, the pandemic, and waves of emigration, our church has been steadily developing in all aspects and we have also opened up the media ministry. In the midst of the storm, God has not only greatly preserved us, but also expanded us, and we have experienced breakthroughs one after another. God is truly a Wonderful Counselor and with Him we truly “see again the enemy no more.”

Even at a personal level, God’s rhema has also illuminated us in the midst of the storm. Worship leader Aleph was about to undergo a liver transplant in 2010 and he prayed to God for a brand new liver. He then received Psalm 91 and believed that God would cover and rescue him and that he would enjoy long life in God’s presence. Three days later God’s miraculous healing came – he did not need any surgery, and his liver function returned to normal.

In 2015, Pastor Jason was hospitalized in an isolation ward due to illness. He received the word, “Take me under your wing” (Ruth 3:9), and when he prayed with this verse, God’s peace flooded in his heart. Later, God’s healing fell and he gradually recovered. In 2022, Pastor Ruby also suddenly faced the storm of two cancers, but God gave her the rhema of “Bride Warrior”. She recovered quickly and returned to the pulpit in three months. I, too, experienced a sudden brain hemorrhage while serving in Taiwan in 2017, but God’s grace and covering were upon me. Now I am completely symptom-free and healthier than ever. I can still play basketball every week. Looking back, I am filled with gratitude.

Dear brothers and sisters, storms in life are inevitable and although difficult in the process, we will surely overcome in the Lord and see the rainbow! Even though Hong Kong may seem difficult, as if in the midst of a storm now, we are still living in God’s promises. As we simply camp and follow, and God will surely give us rhema and peace.

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