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The Macedonian Call from Rwanda

In our trip to Africa led by God in March, we visited Rwanda right after departing from South Africa. We used to think that it was a poor and sad country, yet our mind was totally changed by what we saw and heard. The younger generation there are willing to live out the life of Christ with their longings and pursuits and they have good ambition for their country and community. Though lacking material resources, they are simple and pure and have demonstrated the beauty and hope of God’s creation. They are just like the light of Africa!

Rwanda is a Christian country with its people’s average age at 22. We were a bit worried about the hygiene of the environment at first. But in the place we stayed, the washrooms were clean and we had no problems with the water supply. Also, there were no mosquitos! Both adults and children wore joy and hope on their faces. They were beaming with smiles and welcomed visitors enthusiastically. They were very friendly. It’s hard to imagine that an annihilation of race that lasted for a hundred days happened thirty years ago. The older generation has passed and the younger generation has raised up to build up their new country together.

We visited a school founded by a U.S. couple and though financially strained, they devoted all they had to education. Their local teachers were paid US$50 monthly and overseas teachers taught for free. They not only shared biblical truth in the school but also lived out their faith! We also came to know a 28-year-old artist and six students who were full of ideals. They established libraries and art cafes together and worked hard for the next generation!

More amazingly, when we connected with a church in Musanze, they told us that they heard about Chinese coming several years ago. They prayed for this continuously and when they knew we would come, they were excited. They fasted for 21 days for our safe arrival. In their Sunday service that week, I followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and preached on the Tree of Life message and prayed God to give them healing and hope. After that Pastor Deborah also prayed for them and healed and set them free from their suppressed sadness and fear.

We also visited the Kigali Genocide Memorial and my heart was stirred up. I led the Asians, Africans and Caucasians in our team to set up a prayer altar to plead God to forgive our sins due to blindness. In the morning of our departure, the church pastor came to say goodbye to us. Unexpectedly he knelt down to ask me to bless and cover him. It’s like the Macedonian Call and they looked forward to our return. Dear brothers and sisters, the leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of the nations. Though Africa is far away and the journey is not easy to go through, God has led us there. May we continue to pray and follow Him.■【2024.04.07】

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