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Healing and Deliverance under the Tree of Life

Thank God for planting 611 to be a Tree of Life. After 22 years, the church has turned into a Tree of Life Family. The Holy Spirit keeps growing our lives and grants us the perspectives of the Tree of Life. Now, we are able to comprehend more of the truth of healing and deliverance and we believe more of what the book of Revelation writes – The leaves of the Tree of Life shall indeed heal nations, removing all curses.

Many years ago, God brought us to plant 611 in Hong Kong as we received the vision of Isaiah 61:1. We were strongly prompted to restore the Work of the Holy Spirit through power ministry and healing and deliverance. Twenty years have passed; we had built a healing centre and closed it. It was a process of church growth and transformation. We realise that we should not rely on a few co-workers to do healing because it drains them. God reveals to us that the leaves of the Tree of Life heal nations. Hence, each co-worker, cell leader and even brother and sisters can exercise their gifts and bring healing to the community.

We pursued restoring power ministry, healing and deliverance as well as prophecy in the past. When the co-workers’ team held 100-night evangelistic meetings, we healed the sick and cast out demons for the congregation. Moreover, we did healing and deliverance for cities and the lands. However, as we keep following God, our spiritual capacity keeps growing. We realise that healing and deliverance must combine with discipleship in order to be the most effective.

C-Mo and I have been discipling Debby and Joey Hui. We conducted healing and deliverance on them so that they might experience the power of the Holy Spirit. It was effective in some ways. But the life breakthrough came only when we taught them the truth in discipleship and walked with them in love. Then we testified that they forgave their fathers because of love and trust. When their perspectives changed and imitated Christ, the healing outcomes were thorough and evident. On the contrary, I have seen many who had received healing and deliverance were not discipled or refused to forgive. As they didn’t have the life of Christ in them, there were many breaches in their lives. They have returned to bitterness without receiving true freedom.

Besides individual healing and deliverance, I also believe the Holy Spirit brings healing in the services and meetings. Recently, I have encouraged co-workers to be led by the Holy Spirit during the services so that we may bring healing to the congregation. In the meantime, when we move as led by the Spirit to attend to the discipleship needs, may it be healing camp or individual in-depth healing, I believe God will guide us so that everyone under the Tree of Life may encounter the healing power of the Holy Spirit.

Dear cell leaders, brothers and sisters, let us follow God together and walk in faith and love. I believe that God will use us as a Tree of Life community to bring healing to all creation, bless you!■【2024.03.24】

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