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Receiving the Wisdom of the Book of Job

At the beginning of the Lunar New Year, C-Mo and I wish everyone a happy New Year and may all of us receive abundant love in this Tree of Life family and become more unified and effortless together!

We have finished reading Job for Morning Devotion just before the Lunar New Year. This was the second time only in our 22 years that we have ever come across Job for Morning Devotion, with the last time being back in 2006.

Last time when we read Job in our Morning Devotion, our focus was on Job’s unwavering faith in God amidst his trials. As I wanted to avoid repeating the same points over and again, I just shared my insights as far as I could. However, as I revisited the book this time, I had a special feeling that it was a divine gift bestowed upon us amidst today’s challenges. The truth revealed by it was also incredibly timely. So it’s relatively easy for me to enter into Job’s circumstances and emotions, as though experiencing them myself. As a result, when I shared the relevant messages, my passion and devotion overflowed.

From the very beginning, Job was like a warrior bride sent by God to confront the accusations of the enemy and his friends. Even when left with nothing but only one breath in the midst of his suffering, Job still clung to his integrity, having perseverance and faithfulness to God. In the same way, today’s churches are also to persevere to serve God amidst the tumultuous environment. While Job feels isolated facing the accusations of his friends, it is also not easy for God’s people to walk in God’s vision. C-Mo and I also share Job’s feelings as we insist on walking on the way of following God. Although it is not an easy way and we may feel alone at times, we are grateful to have a community of spiritual children, co-workers, and devoted brothers and sisters and even branch churches to walk along with us on the Tree of Life way.

From a man’s perspective suffering may look hopeless and it seems that we could find neither answers nor explanations to it. However, through the book of Job , God reveals to us a way to confront suffering – by acquiring His wisdom. While we cannot see what happens in heaven while we are on the earth and there are many unknowns, ultimately God will speak. As we reach the conclusion of the book, God’s voice spans four chapters, which is rare in the entire Bible. It is within this that we acquire wisdom. In the midst of agony and hardship, we are to trust in God. Though we may not know what happens in heaven, we must believe that God loves us and will ultimately judge all things for us.

Dear brothers and sisters, though 2024 may not be easy, let us embrace the wisdom and insights unveiled by the book of Job and receive God’s presence to become a blessing to everyone around us!■【2024.02.11】

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