Last December, C-Mo and I brought our disciples to Dubai for a retreat, which was very rich and everyone felt genuinely the presence of God. Among them, Eben and Justin who just turned 50 had a very special experience.
At the night of December 27 we celebrated together the birthdays of Justin (born on the 23rd ) and Eben (born on the 30th ) and it happened that they both turned to 50 this year. We took photos outdoor and when I raised my mobile phone to shoot, the full moon in the sky caught my eyes and beside it shone two brightest stars of the constellation Gemini twins. God seemed to tell us that He saw the two of them among the galaxy of stars. I was in awe as God was really interacting with us through astrological phenomenon to show that He was with us!
Eben was deeply moved to see that God cared him so much and to be surrounded by everyone’s love. He has been regarding himself very low and four years ago when we called him to join our staff’s team, he resigned the following day from his post in serving the government for more than twenty years. He then thought that he would just serve in God’s temple every day and did not think much of how God regarded him. This time at the celebration of his birthday, God told him through the moon and stars that He remembered and was well pleased with him and had prepared companions for him. He felt deeply how blessed and loved he was following God. His wife Sau-Wing also felt deeply the presence of God this time. God was really present in their lives and following God was truly the best way for them.
Justin, who came to Hong Kong all the way from Switzerland following God, received lots of love in this Dubai trip. Though he had decided to move back to Hong Kong with his wife June, he was still in much struggle at heart. He was deeply touched by love in this birthday celebration and looked forward to returning to our Tree of Life family as he believed that many exciting things were awaiting him ahead. He used to think that he was just following June to come to our church, but now he was much motivated. He got faster in packing up things to come back. June witnessed her husband’s change and was very grateful to see God’s work on him. It was God’s love that had melted his heart. Following God is so fruitful and happy for them.
Thank God for telling us through astrological phenomenon that He cares us and the time, life and place of everyone is in His hand. He reigns all and keeps all. We just follow Him and He will be with us. In all these years that I have been following God, I am not joyful for myself, but also very grateful and content to lead my children to follow along and interact with Him!■【2024.01.21】