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God Ascends Our Church Ascends

Looking back at 2023, Hong Kong is going through difficult time – the economy is recovering while areas that are in bottle-neck await breakthroughs. However, when co-workers get together to recount God’s works, we realise that everyone is ascending. May it be family relationships of brothers and sisters or the development of the planting of Trees of Life, God’s grace abounds. To this, we are deeply thankful to God.

From the sharing of Sau Wing, head of the Children and Family Department and Joash from the Youth Church, we know that the church keeps sharing the heart of God regarding marriage through the preaching and discipleship. Furthermore, by the custom-made help of Couples’ Camp, numerous marital relationships have been restored as their lives become real and open. Families have been rebuilt – the hearts of parents turn to their children as their children open hearts to the parents.

The good news keep coming to the church as some youth co-workers got married while others co-workers welcome new additions to the families. Many co-workers who were known to be “obedient child” have been able to break off the inner bondages. The teens and youth co-workers enter into their own Being and serve happily. God has helped us to connect joyfully in relationships. Our basketball team, football team and youth drama group etc., are birthed according to their Being. Now we know what it means to do the work of God easily.

Jason reflected on his changes. He is a serious, responsible and careful person. He was used to having well planned rundown and directions. But the few large-scale conferences held this year were in RAW format – no prior rundown, but only last-minute arrangements which turned out to be anointed. Few times, he forgot to bring the note he had prepared but by the words he had accumulated in his life, he was able to share in the Morning Devotion. Through this, he feels like he is set free. These are new encounters for him. Now, he realizes how uptight he was before.

Besides the mother church, our branch churches have also changed. New Crop 611 has possessed the land and developed in many areas. New Crop was planted during the social movement. Thankfully, it falls neither into negativity nor striving, instead, it is standing firm. Through the eyes of Tree of Life, our church is embracing the Heartified Commandments and not the tree of knowing good and evil! Pastors and cell leaders are helping cell members to rebuild their lives so that the church is more like a home.

When society is worried and perplexed, we continue to love by the love of God! We learn to embrace! If Christians do not have good connections with God, they will be affected by all kinds of rumours and gossip and be overcome by fear. As we welcome 2024, I wish brothers and sisters to continue to follow God steadfastly in faith as we behold the works of God.■【2023.12.31】

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