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Nations Come to Receive the Tree of Life

Thank God that 611 has passed by 22 years and entered into a new stage of Planting Trees of Life Everywhere. On last Sunday (November 19), our ANEW (All Nations English Worship) Service celebrated its 12th Anniversary. It was wonderful to see brothers and sisters from 12 countries and regions testify on stage how their lives had been healed and transformed by God.

God’s work is truly amazing. The congregation of our ANEW service used to consist mainly of the Filipinos, Indonesians and Japanese. But recently God has brought people from the nations to our church, including those from Malaysia, Singapore, the U.S., and even Africa. Their hearts are filled with the longing and passion for God and they have absorbed nutrients under the Tree of Life. Their capacity keeps growing and they hope that they will be sent to the nations to plant Trees of Life one day.

Richard and his wife Sharon are from South Africa and have been with us for nearly two years. They are nurtured by love in the Tree of Life community and their broken lives have been restored. I appreciate that they are willing to humble themselves to receive our discipleship and to walk with us. Their lives are becoming freer and more released. They were stunned to see so many faces from different nations worshipping God together on stage – it was a very powerful scene to behold.

Weimin and his wife Jolyn came to the Tree of Life from Singapore five years ago and their marriage could no longer go on. Thank God for helping them through Couples’ Camps and discipleship and their lives are not the same any more. Their testimony has been spread out among their families and friends in Singapore, radiating the Tree of Life vibe. They have also become cell group leaders to disciple cell members. Moreover, they receive people from the nations to their house to bring them the warmth of home.

I believe that our church has come to a new milestone. God is bringing people here to have their lives planted and transformed, and when the time is right, He will send them back to build Tree of Life churches. This is a strategy that God has given us. When we apply for visa one by one for these people, we have obtained all approvals from the government. God is truly working in our midst. I look forward to more miracles from God. He will bring the nations to follow Him together and cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.■【2023.11.26】

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