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Men’s Confession into the Deep

It’s been nineteen years since we first celebrated festivals in 2004 and we keep the Day of Atonement every year. However, the Day of Atonement this year is very different as we have gone into a new depth in repentance and God’s work being the deepest thus far. We held the Men’s Night for the first time, which was entirely by the leading of God.

In mid-September, Pastor Ruby and I went to Israel to join the All Nations Convocation Jerusalem. On the morning of departure, C-Mo asked me to take along the No.1 white flag to repent there. At the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, I knelt down to confess sins. With the hot sun high above in the sky, I felt faint. About ten minutes later after my confession, I had a really hard time resuming my standing posture. I felt like I was having heat stroke. So that’s how God has led me to take the anointing of confession back to Hong Kong.

On the day of our arrival back in Hong Kong, all co-workers and Bible School students, almost 300 were weeding in the Garden of Eden. We worked hard together to remove all the Mikania, sometimes called “mile-a-minute”, which entangled and harmed the plants. It’s like removing the sin in our lives in a spiritual way. God’s leading was really wonderful. Two days later, all co-workers had collective repentance that lasted for two days. The Holy Spirit worked mightily among us.

On Sunday, God led brothers even further and at the Men’s Night that day, the Mercy Seat was fully packed with nearly 800 brothers. Our worship team leader Asaph, felt God’s presence strongly on the stage. The whole worship was like a rushing train that could not be stopped. As the whole congregation entered confession, waves of cries and prayers around the stage kept flooding into his ears. He was deeply moved.

God has also prepared special grace for co-worker Lemuel so that he had the opportunity to confess on stage. He was filled with God’s love and at the leading of the Holy Spirit, he confessed his sins boldly and poured out his soul. After the meeting he went further to have thanksgivings with his good Singaporean brothers until one o’clock in the morning. Actually he was drained all the next day, but his Apple Watch showed an energy level of 35! At his optimal state when his emotion and body were at the best, the level could only reach 25. Thank God that repentance is really a healing that removes our burdens and revives our body, soul and spirit.

Men are only able to return home after repentance, which is the opportunity and grace given by God. When men hold white flags and confess at a great depth, I believe that God will be pleased with what we have offered. Before honour comesd humility. In Ascending 2023, God has led us to a high level of repentance as never before and I believe that this is the beginning of not only ascending but also the planting of trees of life!■【2023.10.01】

【要聞】首次贖罪日男人晚會 心版十誡作生命指引 

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