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Re-starting Beach Baptism to Welcome Sukkot

Thank God that we will re-start the beach baptism at Lido Beach in Ting Kau this month after the pandemic to get longing people baptized in the name of Jesus!

We have been holding beach baptism around Sukkot every year since 2009, when we went to Israel to join the All Nations Convocation Jerusalem for the first time. When we were crying to God on the wall of Jerusalem with elders from the nations and praying for the peace of Hong Kong and our country, I got a phone call from C-Mo, who had just received from God that we should hold beach baptism. As I recalled that Pastor Timothy Zhao, the founder of Ling Liang World-wide Evangelistic Mission, used to hold beach baptism at Repulse Bay in the 1950s, and Jesus Christ was born in Sukkot, we decided to hold beach baptism at Sukkot.

We had only three weeks left for preparation after we had made the decision. Thankfully our application was soon approved by the relevant government department. Many brothers and sisters joined us. They became our volunteers while applying for baptism for their families and relatives. Finally more than three hundred people were baptized at Lido Beach beside Noah’s Ark. At the end of the baptism I led all co-workers and volunteers to kneel down at the beach to offer our thanks to God. We could feel the presence of God and knew that He was pleased with what we had offered.

As a matter of fact beach baptism can accommodate many people and give public testimony for God’s glory. Until now we have organized ten baptisms and each time five to six hundred people were baptized. Today after more than a decade, we can feel the spiritual atmosphere of whole Tsuen Wan has changed.

The most remarkable baptism that we have had so far was in 2018. As Typhoon Mangkhut was approaching, we prayed earnestly to God to keep it away from Hong Kong. However, God had a different idea. Finally, we moved back to church to hold 8 baptisms, with musical playing at Mercy Seat and evangelistic conference at Main Hall of Wealthy Garden. As a result, 852 people were baptized, amounting to the highest number among all baptisms over the years! What God had done went far beyond our imagination.

Now after the pandemic, we step on the beach again, anticipating God’s work. Dear brothers and sisters, may we invite you to join us on this exciting day. We also welcome you to bring non-believer friends and relatives along so that more people will turn to God in the name of Jesus Christ and that their lives and families shall be blessed!■【2023.09.03】

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