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Planting Trees of Life on Basketball Court

In our July International Basketball Camp, besides participants from Hong Kong and Taiwan, others also came from Dubai, the U.S. and other countries and regions, one of whom was even from an Arabic nationality. They were all connected together through basketball, transcending language and cultural boundaries. We lived together, spending time eating, playing and reading God’s Word and were very happy. I’m grateful that our church is able to set up basketball teams and even organize basketball camps. I see that God is using my being of playing basketball and leading us to plant Trees of Life on the basketball court.

I began playing basketball in Vancouver in the 90s. By then I was a church pastor and wanted to pastor the younger generation. So I started the basketball ministry. However, the young people who came were interested in basketball only and they had different values. Finally they all left. Though very sad, I still wanted to reach out to young people through basketball.

After I came back Hong Kong at God’s leading, I insisted on playing basketball. Initially I played it at courts on the street and some youngsters were attracted, and Asaph was one of them. Then gradually a basketball team was set up, Moko, who had been playing basketball since primary school years, joined us to help train up the players. Seven years ago, Cato joined as our coach, leading our team to full-scale. We also participated in inter-church matches in Hong Kong and over the years often won a top-3 position, with one year ranking 4th. Today we have teams A and B, as well as a youngster team and a children’s class, all full of the Tree of Life breath, with team members supporting each other and growing up together.

God has not only got young people connected with us through basketball, but also used us to connect with branch players. I believe that lots of opportunities for further development are awaiting us in the future. God surely wants the Tree of Life to be planted in the basketball sector too and we are to exert our impact there. Coach Shih Chao-Chieh of the Tainan Municipal Yong-Ren Senior High School basketball team, is from one of our branch churches in Taiwan. He is very influential as he has raised up many brilliant players who joined top teams to play in international matches. In fact many teams who played with us have also been influenced by us, with their values transformed. May God continue to help us develop our being by playing basketball so that He will be glorified on the basketball court.

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