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Unfailing Love under the Tree of Life

Thank God that our team of co-workers have been growing up under the Tree of Life over these 22 years. We have become close family members. I am especially grateful to see the life changes of my two children, Jason and Deborah. They have received the longest discipleship from C-Mo and me and they have made changes and elevation in many aspects, including physical health, the relationship with C-Mo and me, and the anointing in serving.

Due to her primary family, Deborah was twisted and rebellious. Facing C-Mo’s all-rounded help, including her care for her attire, hairstyle, health and household decoration, she used to regard it as looking down on her and hence had dramas in her mind. She thought that we were too strict to her and she even talked back to us when we corrected her. However, C-Mo and I have never given up on her. Many years later, she has finally received our love for her. She has realized that we treat her as a daughter and a member of our family, instead of an employee.

Likewise Jason is twisted and suppressed in his own ways. He has suppressed his feelings deep down and was very blue, often negative in words and thoughts. His focus was always on ministry and often drove himself to get things done, even at the cost of his health. He regarded C-Mo and me as employers. When we reminded him to regard us as his parents, he swung to the other end of the clock pendulum and stayed speculative, turning off his ears. So his relationship with us was tense. Then he fell into serious sickness and we accompanied him with love in the whole process. Together with the continuous help of his wife, he got totally relaxed finally. Now he can really receive our love for him.

We have really chosen the unfailing love on our way to follow God. We have not given up entirely because of God. First, we know that it is His miracle and also the longing and seeking for God of Deborah and Jason that they could come to Hong Kong to serve. In Deborah’s visa application, we wrote down prophecy-telling and praying for her job description and was approved by the government. We know that they are children given to us by God. They are also members of our family. Second, in the whole Bible, God cares about not ministries nor results, but lives. He looks at whether His servants are trees of life, emphasizing whether they have the stature of Jesus and the love of God. God loves C-Mo and me so much that we have chosen to unfailingly love our children too.

Thank God that we have walked together for 22 years and the Tree of Life is becoming stronger and more wonderful. Our children have changed greatly and become healthier. We have passed by deaths one after another and experienced salvation and rebirths. God has given us beautiful, healthy and good relationships and communities. May we receive God’s unfailing love together and may it flow from one generation to another to bless more and more people. Amen!■【2023.07.16】

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