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True Relationship under Tree of Life

As we follow God with all our heart and mind and walk along the Tree of Life way, the testimonies of our lives will attract people longing to come to seek and discover.

Recently the leaders and members of two churches from Singapore, more than thirty in total, came to visit us and to understand more about Tree of Life. Thank God that we have had a wonderful connection and their experience and sharing make us cherish the Tree of Life family more that God has given us!

The two churches are RiverLife Church and Kingdom Community Church. Weimin, one of our media co-workers, used to be a member of RiverLife Church before coming to Hong Kong. He kept sending them videos on services worship, morning devotions, Following God programs and so on during the pandemic. They have seen the change in his life and at the same time received nutrients of the Tree of Life. So they were deeply attracted and kept praying and asking for God’s guidance. Now they have come to us to attend classes in the Bible School and had exchanges with us in greater depth.

In 2011, Pastor Vincent Lun came out from RiverLife Church as a result of divergent opinions with the elders board and established Kingdom Community Church. Lots of feelings flooded in as they attended the classes in our Bible School. Upon hearing concepts covering discipleship, relationship before ministry, authority and submission and so on, they realized that many of the issues in ministries originated from problems with relationships. He still has deep love for RiverLife Church and thought that things could be totally different had they heard the Tree of Life messages earlier. His wife Jenny was heartbroken to leave RiverLife, but thanks to God’s wonderful leading, they had the chance to get in touch with 611 Church and stepped on the Tree of Life way. In her eyes Pastor Vincent was a very talented and anointed pastor, but they valued how to be a father and a mother more over the past twelve years. They kept practicing relationship before ministry, repenting and laying down themselves. Thank God that they
have now reconciled with RiverLife Church and both of them are willing to get closer and to follow God together under the Tree of Life.

We all long for good relationships with God and with people, be they marital relationships, relationships with family or in the marketplace, or relationships with authorities and with members of church, as true and close relationships make us fulfilled. So we need to have breakthrough in relationships. Thank God for His leading as we can come to the Tree of Life family to learn how to be a true son or daughter in love and trust, with the love, covering and shouldering of spiritual parents and to grow continuously, connecting with each other and following God together.■【2023.07.02】

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