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“One Tree of Life” Starts with Couple’s Relationships

Thank God that during the Pentecost services, He gave us the revelation and calling of “One Tree of Life”.Co-workers, brothers and sisters and even branch church pastors all received a lot of truth. Looking back, it was C-Mo who suggested I share “One Tree of Life” during Pentecost, the day before the services.

On my journey of following God, I cherish C-Mo’s anointing more and more. God, the Holy Spirit gives one this anointing. When C-Mo embraces her identity as a wife and mother, she naturally interacts with the Holy Spirit and hence releases her anointing. I can testify she is upright, straightforward and free. She is disciplined in her mind. Therefore, when she simply shares the prompting of God, many ideas beyond our limitations are birthed. When C-Mo mentioned sharing “One Tree of Life”, I studied the book of Ephesians. Through this study, the Holy Spirit led us to a higher and deeper level of understanding of “Oneness” in the Bible.

Though C-Mo received no formal theological training, the message she releases unexpectedly matches biblical truth. In the past, due to my limitations, I struggled a lot to receive help from the anointing of C-Mo. However, the longer I follow God, the more I realise how precious the anointing of C-Mo is. Once, during the message of “Couples’ Glorious Ladder”, C-Mo was prompted that I should talk about “Men are to confess, Women should give thanks”. Studying the Bible, I found out that “confession” and “thanksgiving” are of the same root in Hebrew. Through the prompting she had disclosed biblical truth, it’s just that we didn’t understand. Without the help of C-Mo, I would just be a rational, systematic and rule-abiding man. But C-Mo feels the breath of the Holy Spirit through her promptings. Take digging wells for example, there are many wells – dry wells and fresh wells. When I follow the anointing of C-Mo, I am able to find a stream of living water. Take a bunch of geese for example, C-Mo is bold and free, just like the head goose. She is the spearhead of our services so that we may see the works of God.

Under One Tree of Life, C-Mo and I can serve with Oneness. We follow God with one heart and thus go to a higher level. A glorious church starts with couple’s relationships which are not just about being sweet but also enriching one tree of life. In this way, the church has hope to grow. This hope will influence nations and branch churches. Brothers and sisters, this 611 Tree of Life community has been growing and embracing this Oneness all these years. May we also become One Tree of Life which is pleasing to the Lord and working for Him!■【2023.06.18】

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