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Encounter God during the trip to Mount Sinai

God had been leading us throughout our trip to Mount Sinai in April. We not only climbed up the mount of the Lord and proclaimed the “Ten Heartified Commandments”, but also found the spot where Moses crossed the Red Sea. Moreover, there we received God’s redemption and grace again and declared that we were willing to listen to His words with a humble heart and follow Him alone.

It’s been a long tradition that people think that Mount Sinai is situated at the southern end of Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, but it was not true. The real Mount Sinai is at the western side of today’s Saudi Arabia and the other end of the Red Sea. We have found not only the real Mount Sinai but also the spot where Moses crossed the Red Sea. That sea area suits the bible’s description of Exodus well, with shallow water in the middle and deep water at both sides. There is also a path in the valley leading to a flat land so that two million Israelites could cross the Red Sea from this area and escape from their enemy.

The Israelites started to make the Ark of the Covenant and the tabernacle after their exodus. They were afraid to listen to God’s voice, so Moses went up Mount Sinai to appear before God. Today twelve of us in total were there and I received the leading of the Holy Spirit above time and space and confessed sins on behalf of the churches. I stated that we were willing to listen to God’s voice and engrave God’s words on the tablet of our heart.

We counted God’s blessings and I received that crossing the Red Sea meant God’s redemption and all pursuing horsemen were drowned in the sea. So I proclaimed in the Spirit: the enemies cannot pursue us because God protects us and delivers us from the evil one. This is the grace and promise of God.

In the trip we also passed by Marah, where bitter water was made sweet. I proclaimed that God would bring eternal healing. After that God healed the acrophobia of Pastor Deborah and she was fearless even when climbing up the rock in Rephidim, where the water came out when it was struck, for prophetic action. We prayed that the living river from the rock would flow to the seven Emirates in the Middle East. God would not only protect this land, but also let blessings flow over the whole earth.

The trip to Mount Sinai was very challenging to us in both landscape and climate, especially when climbing up the mountain, we were overdraft physically and did not bring enough water. From time to time I stopped to wait for co-workers who lagged behind to avoid any loss or accident. In fact, following God is like this too. Even when we are tired and weary, God will surely wait for us and lead our way ahead.

Dear brothers and sisters, may we have a hearing ear and be willing to listen to God’s voice and leading. We will surely be redeemed! ■【2023.05.28】

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