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Children stay connected by returning to the Tree of Life again

Over the last three years, the pandemic has taken its toll on primary and high school students, who have become reliant upon Zoom and online learning but have disengaged from actual interpersonal interaction. It is especially difficult for those transitioning from primary to junior high school. Without knowing their classmates, they feel disconnected. How can we help these students in the post-pandemic world?


Pastors’ Kids Are Liberated
The Bario conference brought together young people from 26 churches across the nations, igniting a spark of revival among the youth. Read more
Don’t Be Helicopter Parents
As young couples become new parents, they often fall into the trap of being overly child-centered due to worldly pressures. Read more
The Tree of Life Lands in Taiwan
Now, the Tree of Life has taken root in Taiwan, continuously spreading its breath and essence. The Tree of Life, planted by God, is being recognized by many, bringing glory to Him! Read more