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The Unshakable Kingdom

At the beginning of this year, God gave us “Ascending 2023” which means we shall reign with God through prayer. Three weeks ago, I was visiting our branch churches in Japan with C-Mo, and I was prompted that Ps. Anna should preach on “Prayer and Ascent”. Soon after her sermon, Ps. Anton Cruz paid us a visit when he prophesied that our church should fast and pray again. It affirms us that God will lead us to ascend in acceleration.

In Jan 2020, Ps. Anton prophesized that “This is a Jonah generation. God has chosen Hong Kong, we must call on God and do fasting and prayer for five years consecutively. God will give us 10,000 youth and we shall enter revival.” It has been four years that we do 40-day fasting and prayer annually.

This year, it finished on Purim. Unexpectedly, Ps. Anton gave us such a heavy-weight prophetic word and we are prompted to do fasting and prayer again this year.

Ps. Anna preached “Connect with God, Ascend greatly” using Psalm 2. In verse 8, it says, “Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.” Actually, we do not know what to ask of God. Our perspectives and minds are too narrow to see the heart of God. God teaches us what to ask of Him — not just for our personal matters, but for nations. 

In the “Following God” programme that week, Ps. Deborah prophesied that the fire of prayer shall come from heaven, drawing nations together. The week after that, Ps. Anton prophesized that this coming April and May will be a critical moment: the world will be shaken. We must arise and pray. When we put the puzzle pieces together, I understand that not only shaking but revival is also on the way. We follow the light and presence of God. The Lord who reigns will accomplish far beyond our imagination.

… Pastor Deborah has received this: I see amid all the darkness a fire falls down from heaven, attracting people from all nations, bringing flags with them. God says, “My Spirit, My anointing and My presence are here as it pleases me well. The vision of Planting of Trees of Life Everywhere in 52 Years is given by me to 611 as well as to all the earth.” Trumpets start to sound from all around and God says, “Gather!” An anointing of gathering all nations will come and people will come here to receive the fire and then run all over the places. I see the whole globe with buildings all over and there is a flag at the top of each building. God says, “I will come to save the earth. I will become the Lord over the earth and over all kings of the nations.” The vision will be surely fulfilled as it is from God’s Spirit and will.

We have decided to lead all branch churches to do 40-day fasting and prayer again from 18th Apr. The theme will be “The Unshakable Kingdom”. On Pentecost this year: 28th May, we will connect with our branch churches around the globe, and cry out for a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. (Hebrews 12:28)

Brothers and sisters, as we have received an unshakable kingdom, let us prepare ourselves, by the will of God, we enter into 40-day fasting and prayer again. Let us cry out to God for Hong Kong and the whole earth. Together, we welcome the fire of revival from the Holy Spirit. We watch the work of God because He is doing new things on all the earth.■【2023.04.09】

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