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Life grated and set off again

Taka and Meiji from Osaka had been hurt in ministry and were invited by C-Mo to soak in Hong Kong. Six years have passed, they are now grafted to Tree of Life and revived. Now they are ready to set off and return to Osaka with rekindled passion to serve God. May they plant trees of life in Japan!


Couples Camp – Deeply Deeply Deeply
This couples camp helps partners discover each other's unique qualities, encouraging them to be open and unashamed while fostering deeper communication. Read more
Women Aligning With God (Part 2)
Alignment with God is truly a journey of growth. Through our interactions with cell members, we are encouraged to reflect and grow; in turn, the members can grow alongside us. Read more
Women Aligning with God (Part 1)
Alignment means being positioned correctly with God. For women, this involves returning to the original purpose God intended for them: to be mothers. Read more