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Countless Grace fills 2022

Thank God that we have come to the end of 2022. One night, C-Mo and I were giving thanks for this year over the dining table – we gave thanks for one thing as we took one bite of food. The whole dinner was filled with gratitude. Looking back this year, God has been truly protecting our church. When we are determined to follow God, He will certainly care for us till the end.

Few times, physical services have been suspended. However, as soon as the church is reopened, people flood in and every family is excited coming back. Whenever the government changes her anti-pandemic measures – may it be relaxing or tightening, God tells us beforehand to prepare co-workers, bringing peace to the brothers and sisters.


張牧師以詩篇第22篇釋放「Jehoshua 2022」的信息︰雖然今年將會充滿挑戰和動盪,但耶和華是我們的拯救!

實體崇拜恢復 歡欣雀躍回家




Media Center experienced God greatly when our services went from on-site to online. Well before the outbreak of the pandemic, co-workers had purchased live broadcasting equipment. Amazingly it was sent to us on the same week when the government announced suspension of physical gatherings, making immediate online services possible. When our co-workers got infected by COVID-19 one by one, the media team had sufficient manpower to keep services running. In particular, the studio we bought before the pandemic has been fully utilized over these years. It’s all God’s grace. During the pandemic we put resources in media and the Togo ministry to bless our brothers and sisters and meanwhile God has blessed us to inherit land. His provision has been abundant. I see that God has so blessed our brothers and sisters that we lack nothing.



送暖到家讓愛流動 救災行動逾千人受助


雅歌迎住棚 得地又得人


Our youngsters have also experienced God’s salvation. For the past two years, they were denied of social life. But thankfully, a group of youth leaders have been doing online discipleship. When they are back now, they cherish each opportunity to connect with God and people. Recently we have opened our Garden of Eden for them to have outdoor services. How grateful I am to see them participating actively and loving each other. The two generations were torn apart after the social movement and I was prompted to bless the younger generation. Now I see a close bonding between the two generations. C-Mo and I have had a good talk with young people several times about everything and anything – even some acute questions, to which I shared my own experiences with them. They have truly received the love and truth that we pass them. Today we are able to go forward hand in hand and continue our discipleship from generation to generation.

青牧伊甸園崇拜 大自然中敬拜神




心中渴慕緊緊跟隨 生命樹下三代相連


The church has grown stronger despite the pandemic in the past few years. In each service theme, life testimonies, Kingdom Artists’ dramas and even the time branch church pastors come back to soak, we can see the work of God putting everything together. Facing three-year pandemic and the difficult 2022, because we have God, God’s grace is evident in this rocky road and it is still going on. Dear brothers and sisters, let us seize the opportunity and offer thanks to the God who loves us at the end of this year!

音樂劇Being大爆發 活現新婦戰士生命






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