Two weeks ago the Bible School arranged me to teach “Developing the Second Helper” of the Following God series. Considering that direct instruction would be too boring, C-Mo decided to change the class into a seminar, which she hosted, joined by all branch pastors and me as guests. Thank God that the exchanges on and off stage were full of enthusiasm and joy. It has proved again that a glorious church begins with couples’ relationship and the senior pastor needs his wife’s help.
To a man, his first helper is the Holy Spirit and the second his wife. However, it’s very common for him to neglect his wife’s help. A senior pastor tends to think that his wife cannot help him in building up the church as she does not have a degree in theology. Actually he does not understand fully God’s will. One of my disciples Zhong-yi has set up a branch church in Kaohsiung, but he refused help from his wife. Neither could he appreciate her from the bottom of his heart. Recently he has come to Hong Kong to be with us for a month and has reflected deeply upon his attitude to his wife. I believe that their lives will be more radiant from now.
David, the senior pastor of our Kuching branch, was also reluctant to accept his wife’s advice on his sharing in morning devotion and preaching. However, later on he found his wife’s sharing more influential. Seeing the effects and God’s endorsement, he has gradually humbled himself and willingly accepted her help.
Probably in the conventional church culture it is necessary for a senior pastor’s wife to perform such duties as paying visits, arranging flowers and playing the piano. However, our C-Mo in 611 is never bound by such frames. Though without a degree in theology, her creativity, breath and flexibility has made our church rich and colorful and keep expanding. If I had not embraced her help, 611 would have been left with the Bible and basketball only. It would have been deadly boring and unable to reach far off due to my narrowness.
Under the leading of the Holy Spirit, C-Mo has helped me see my low-points of life. My response to life would be much slower without her. In my early stage of life, I was inferior and in self-pity. Occasionally I would even throw myself against the wall. By C-Mo’s help, I am willing to change in the Lord. How wonderful it is for the couple to collaborate! Being the soil, the husband lays the foundation for the Word. His wife, being the breath, carries a more distant vision. The soil will become dry without the breath and when the couple appreciate each other and has a good relationship, God’s presence will be brought down.
Dear brothers and sisters, God’s design is so good! Men are rational and go step by step, while women are affectionate and full of variety. It is the most important for the husband and wife to have mutual love and trust as well as appreciation to be complementary. May every man have great breakthroughs in life and embrace his second helper so that we can follow God further.■【2022.11.20】