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Love that Many Waters Cannot Quench

Iinvited Sam to tell his love story as the testimony for our last message of the Song of Songs preaching series and many people felt touched. All these were out of God’s leading.

Sam and his wife Lai-han came to our church sixteen years ago and it was not easy for us to disciple them. We tried hard to pull them, wanting to help them, but they were reluctant and even backfired on us. All we could do was to leave them to God and wait for God’s timing.

God is indeed working. Recently they have moved to a new flat and invited us to have a look and we were delighted to go. When we were chatting, we found that Sam’s heart was very soft, which we had never seen for sixteen years. It happened that at the upcoming weekend we would peach the last message of the Song of Songs series and in our meeting, we discussed the candidates for sharing the testimony. Quite naturally he came to our mind.

As shared by Sam, when he was watching my on-stage interpretation of the interaction between the bride and her Lover, he was deeply touched by the longing and desire entangled in Love and recalled his own love story more than thirty years ago. He was a young man fond of culture and literature then. He overcame all difficulties to pursue Lai-han zealously and wrote her nearly a hundred love letters and finally won her heart over. However, the passions did not last long, he treated her with coldness soon after they got married. She used to be like a blooming rose before but now was left like a piece of furniture. For thirty years he was fighting for his own career in sacrifice of their love and his wife was withering slowly. He is in deep remorse for all he has done. Now he shows his love for her in action, sending her love poems and singing her love songs.

With Sam’s changes, their love is reviving. Lai-han starts to have the courage to read back their love letters and recalls their long-buried love. At the work of the Holy Spirit, they are awakened. They realize that God had made them meet and love each other and get married. It’s God who has made the whole thing possible. Suddenly they are deeply grateful for their marriage as God has been watching them and He is in reign. They have a new hope, believing that their love will be restored in God’s Hand.

Thank God for saving their relationship. They had been in passionate love which has gone through ups and downs due to man’s weaknesses. From their testimony we feel more deeply God’s Love for us, which is passionate as well as long lasting. Though circumstances and man’s mind change, God’s Love can never be quenched by many waters! God treasures us very much, let us seal His Love upon ourselves and follow Him closely!■【2022.10.23】

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