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Raise up a Great Army of Praise

It was the last one of the 4-week “Praise” preaching last Sunday. The worship leaders Pastor Asaph and Stella Luk shared their life experience of worship, kindling the passion of praise of brothers and sisters, urging everyone to arise to be a great army of praise!

In this whole preaching series, the wonderful arrangements of God were evident – we didn’t put too much thought into the order of speakers, it was God who upped the vibe and anointing of praise.

Worship leader Lily did the first message, miracle happened on the day she preached. The couple who looked after her when she was studying in Switzerland came to Hong Kong and it was the only day they could attend service.

The second message was shared by worship leader Debbie who illustrated the story of Leah naturally as she mixed her own life with Leah’s. Amazed by the work of God, brothers and sisters were deeply touched.

Aviyah C-Mo from Amen 611 in Macau preached the third one. She and pastor Alan have broken through many distresses by praise. At the end of her message, they blew shofar, bringing the power of the Holy Spirit and healing the congregation. They pointed out that the word “Amen” appeared three times in the scripture and the desert of “Tekoa” means “blowing trumpet”. God was telling us, “We shall triumph by praise”.

The fourth message told of the inner journey of two young worship leaders. Asaph was gradually built up despite inferiority and self-doubt. Finally, he recognizes and focuses on his BEING of praise and worship. Now he is the pillar of the worship team. As Stella was badly hurt in the previous church, she was left with just the empty shell of worship. Later on, she received healing and help from authority and her emotion is restored. Now, she comes out of box so that she may lead praise and worship freely as led by the Holy Spirit. Their genuine life changes resonate in the hearts of many brothers and sisters, stirring them to rise up to be a great army of praise! Thank God, God’s glory is demonstrated in this.

The Rhema God gives to our church through the scripture they quoted is, “Do not touch My anointed ones … Sing to the Lord, all the earth”.(1 Chron 16:22-23) We belong to God, He definitely doesn’t allow the enemy to bully us. When we arise to be a great army of praise, God shall certainly cause us to overcome the circumstance and accomplish His Wills!■【2022.08.28】

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