After a series of four Sunday service messages on the Sixth Commandment, “Do Not Kill”, God has let us gain deeper insights. This Commandment is not a religious rule; rather, it leads us to submit to God at a deeper level, knowing that He has absolute sovereignty over life and reigns everything.
We “do not kill” because it states clearly in the Bible that we carry the image of God and He lives among us. We should not defile the land. Apart from all these, the most important thing is that life belongs to God. He rules over life and the right of birth and of death is at His hand. We do not have the right to end our lives, and even less so to others’. I do not have a biological child and that was not determined by me.
Regarding the current controversial topics in the world, such as suicide, abortion and euthanasia, which are all life-related, we should respond in Truth. We should bear in mind that God rules over all. When a patient is in agony and in extreme pain, the world says that if we love him, we should end his pain. This is an atheistic view – determining his end by playing the role of God. As a matter of fact, nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. Facing pains in life, connecting with God is the most important thing to do. When we reflect on the meaning of life, it does not lose its meaning solely due to a terminal illness. If we make decisions merely based on the physical wellness or whether the person is in agony, we are not connected with God.
At the daily life level, this Commandment makes me believe more that God is gracious. He knows human weaknesses. Assuming that a doctor says the fetus in a mother’s womb is defective and asks the parents to make a decision, I am of the view from the discipleship perspective that no matter what decision they make, as long as it is affectionate, reasonable and lawful, we will definitely walk with them through this difficult time in life.
Dear brothers and sisters, there are times we need to make hard, difficult and controversial decisions. When we are willing to follow God concerning these life issues, we shall realise that He reigns. Only when we believe that He rules over all, He does not load us with unbearable burdens, will there be a way out for our life.■【2022.07.31】