God’s Hand has been leading me and giving me visions since over thirty years ago. Today our whole church, from co-workers to brothers and sisters, are connecting with God, experiencing how real God is.
The Holy Spirit has never ceased leading us. His flow is fresh every week as He speaks to us and interacts with us. We are thrilled and expectant because every service is like a conference. Even our worship is different from before — it is more lively and raw. The worship leaders can feel the passion of brothers and sisters. They all are connected with God in the Holy Spirit and are ready for new things, as well as to experience God’s presence and love. I am deeply thankful for this.
The Holy Spirit is in our midst and with the same measure we use, more will be measured back to us. When we behold God’s work, God will lead us, and we are also responding to Him actively. When we are serious about God, He takes us seriously too. For example, last year when we preached #the Forth Commandment: Consecrate the Sabbath day, I mentioned repose (feast and rest), refresh (restoration and healing) and confederate (connecting with God). When we keep connecting with God upon hearing this message from God, God has really been leading us. We have experienced miracles collectively.
Now that our Sunday service message has come to the Sixth Commandment, the whole church is receiving the truth and trying to live it out, we are experiencing God together. As constantly revealed by the Holy Spirit, we went from the message “You shall not murder” to “#Shall not become Cain’s Clan”, and then deeper into #“Prevail over bullies – You belong to God’s Family”… Every Sunday, we encounter God and look forward to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It’s just like when the Israelites were following God’s pillar of cloud and experiencing Him in the wilderness after leaving Egypt.
Dear brothers and sisters, though we are in the pandemic and the world is in turmoil, we shall connect deeper with God. I believe that our lives will be very different this way. God will lead us to plant trees of life everywhere and together we will impact the whole world and bring down the unshakeable Kingdom of God!■【2022.07.10】