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I Am a God’s Servant

Thank God! Last week we formally commissioned Pastor Baruch and his wife Yuk-man and their team to establish the Whole Whole 611 in Cheung Chau. Baruch was chosen when he was still in his mother’s womb. He was born in Cheung Chau where he met C-Mo. They have been following us since our establishment of 611. It’s an amazing leading of the Holy Spirit that he is sent back to his birthplace to plant a branch church with his wife!

Actually right before the Pentecost, I was prompted to share how the Holy Spirit has been leading us through the past 21 years. At the early stage of our church, we emphasized how the work of the Holy Spirit was manifested through power, gifts and five-fold ministry. But now we have reached another stage and pay more attention to our relationship with the Holy Spirit. We are building up the Tree of Life by the Holy Spirit.

Recently we have shared about the Holy Spirit in relation to the Tree of Life at our Sunday service, using the 611 vision verse. I was thrilled as I gained new insights of the verse: “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me” was not only for God’s servant Isaiah and the people of Judah but also for us today. During my 10-year pastoring church in Vancouver, I kept praying and hearing God’s voice at the riverside. It was a tangible experience of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I am a servant anointed by God. Every brother and sister who has experienced the filling up of the Holy Spirit for the first time is also God’s servant.

God also talked to us through visions: when I was waiting on God at the riverside in the ten years in Vancouver, God let me see clouds rolled up like a scroll and I was eating up the scroll in the Spirit. God’s Word was flowing like living water out of my heart. On April 18, 2020, I saw clouds in the shape of a scroll again outside my house. After that, we had the scroll decoration as received by our artist hanging up outside the Mercy Seat sanctuary. All these came from the prompting of the Holy Spirit. God is truly using us to release His Word at the pulpit and the gospel has been made known to millions of people.

As I look back on how the Holy Spirit has been leading our church, I really see God’s hand, from generation to generation. God is anointing His servants. I thank the Holy Spirit for all His work in our midst and I deeply believe that He will continue to lead us and raise up His servants to plant trees of life all over the earth!

Dear brothers and sisters, the vision of 611 is being actualized today. We are all in this vision — The Spirit of the Lord God is upon us to grow us to be trees of life. May everyone of us become servants mightily used by God!■【2022.06.19】

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