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Making Covenant with God in the Presence of the Holy Spirit

It was Pentecost last Sunday and I shared with the congregation how I had received an astronomical vision from God before I established 611. Then our MG leaders led the whole congregation to make a covenant with God in the presence of the Holy Spirit. It was a touching scene!

One evening in December 2000, I was up on a mountain in San Francisco when I saw an eagle which guided me to the mountain top. With the sun shining on me, I knelt down and prayed to God, offering myself and all my offspring of generations to Him. I asked God to raise up and bless every generation. After my prayer, besides the sun, there were the moon and stars, lightning and thundering as well as rainclouds and rainbow before my eyes. I made the Covenant of Heavens and Earth with Him there and then.

After my preaching, taking branch churches, co-workers and the whole congregation, MG leaders made the commitment to following the vision of 611. We entered into the Tree of Life Covenant of Love and Trust, expressing our willingness to closely follow God generation after generation.

Preparing the message, I discovered that Moses led the Israelites to make a covenant with God at Mount Sinai on Pentecost, fifty days after the Passover. There were fifty days apart between Jesus’ suffering on the Passover and Him giving us the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost. At the end of December 2000, I made the covenant with God. When I was leaving Taipei for Hong Kong for the church meeting venue, God told me at the airport, “Joshua, your vision statement is Isaiah 61:1, so name your church ‘611 Bread of Life Christian Church’.” It was also about fifty days from making the covenant with God to receiving the name of our church! “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me…He has sent Me…” I believe that I am indeed walking in the vision verse. The Spirit of God is upon me and He has sent me to do His work.

During the service, we experienced how real the Holy Spirit was collectively, just like the Israelites at Mount Sinai in the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit was, is, and always be amongst us. We need not pursue “Doing”. As long as we are willing to follow, God will continue to lead us.

In the past when we pursued the Holy Spirit, we were actually seeking gifts and power. Now, the Holy Spirit is taking us to an all-new stage – to build up lives and relationships in love and trust. Our whole church is being elevated! Let’s continue to follow God so that the Tree of Life will grow healthily and sturdily in love and trust and in Truth!■【2022.06.12】

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