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Building up Vessels for Planting

Media plays an important role in fulfilling the vision of “planting trees of life everywhere”. God told me to build a media church when He gave me the blueprint of 611 Church. The purpose is to establish many branch churches to swiftly pass on God’s message, and the nutrients of the Tree of Life, around the world.

Our media center was set up long ago, but was left unused as no-one could operate the equipment. Thank God for bringing Wei-Min and his wife Jo-Lyn to us three years ago, well before the outbreak of the pandemic. Two years ago we held our first global live broadcast with all the branch churches. Physical services were suspended the week thereafter. With media experts and equipment in place, we kept the online services going. Over the past two years, despite the five waves of the pandemic, our media center has kept our various programs going online (eg, Morning Devotion, services, Bible School, equipping courses and many other programs) . Thus we are nurturing our congregation with God’s Word. I am deeply grateful for this.

After joining our church, Wei-Min and Jo-Lyn have had the opportunity to utilise their expertise as their lives are growing. Their professional skills are doubtlessly outstanding, but we are more concerned with their marital relationship and growth in life. Wei-Min participated in numerous large-scale projects in the past. But here, God caused him to face his low points in life, which were full of hurt, stemming from his father and other authorities. He did not know how to be a husband and an authority figure. As he buried himself in ministry, he had problems communicating with his wife, and the team, losing some relationships.

Under the Tree of Life, C-Mo and I often care for them. As they receive support from their department head, discipleship from their cell leaders and the companionship of the co-workers’ community, they have been healed in love as their lives have gradually been built up. They are now more willing to connect with people – getting to know their team members and volunteers at a deeper level, helping them to grow. They have gradually laid down worldly values and their egos to become vessels useful for God.

As they have experienced healing from the Tree of Life, their production has become much more powerful than before. They have become channels of God’s love and are able to send nutrients, of the Tree of Life, all over the world through media. May all of our lives be healed, and established, under the Tree of Life. So that we may become vessels for planting trees of life everywhere – bringing love and healing to the whole world!■【2022.05.29】

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