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Rise up and Plant Trees of Life Everywhere

Mother’s Day this year marks the 21st anniversary of our 611 Church and I would like to thank God again for giving us C-Mo. The pandemic has ravaged the whole world for the past two years, giving C-Mo and me the chance to stay in Hong Kong and disciple our spiritual children. God has given us the vision of Tree of Life through C-Mo – a great help to many of our children. The progress we have made in two years is equivalent to our overall growth for the past decade and I offer my sincere gratitude to God!

Twenty one years ago C-Mo and I left the church in Vancouver, where we had served for ten years. As we were in a low tide of life then, we went to the U.S. to understand the pursuit of the Holy Spirit. In 2000, Pastor Adam Liu prophesized that we would have a son the following year. In strong faith, I bought a maternity dress for C-Mo and we prayed every day. At that time C-Mo had a uterine fibroid, which was bleeding, but we were still waiting for God’s work.

When our mother church sent us back to Hong Kong in 2001, we invited our relatives and friends and started the first Sunday service. It happened to be on Mother’s Day. We suddenly realized that the child that God was going to give us was the 611 Church. Two months later C-Mo underwent a hysterectomy, but by faith she had become a joyful mother of children, which she is still today.

Twenty-one years have passed, and I am grateful in many ways for the continuous love and support from Pastor Nathaniel Chow, of our mother church in Taipei, together with all our co-workers, who were willing to follow, listen and submit to my discipleship and pruning. Together, we make decisions – small and great – and live out our faith, transforming our co-workers’ team into a Tree of Life community. Thank God for building us up to become a Tree of Life. Now we are able to plant Trees of Life everywhere. I believe God shall fulfill the vision of Planting Trees of Life Everywhere in 52 Years Himself.

On this Anniversary, allow me to state again – it’s God who founded 611, not us. The life of each of us, as co-workers, is very low and it’s all by God’s grace that we have been chosen. All that we have today is out of God’s leading. For instance, we were able to register under the name “611 Bread of Life Christian Church”. Pastor Deborah obtained a work visa many years ago, and we have operated in the five-fold gifting as God has prepared many venues for us. We even received the vision of clouds rolled up like a scroll from God… all these are telling us that God is with us. My emphasis is, 611 doesn’t exist by chance, may we cherish it.

Dear brothers and sisters, a man is considered to be an adult at the age of 21. As we celebrate our 21st anniversary, it signifies that our lives are maturing. Therefore, let us have both the attitude and action of a Kingdom disciple, rising up to plant Trees of Life everywhere. We should not stay stagnant and grow old, or worse still – rely on ourselves. I hereby bless everyone to follow God and rely on Him. I also bless every mother to be joyful and content on this Mother’s Day!■【2022.05.08】

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