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Be a Soft Person and Receive the Heavenly 8 Beatitudes

In the past two weeks, we have started a new preaching series, “The Heavenly 8 Beatitudes”. This is the first time in twenty years that we enter into each verse of the Beatitudes in such depth. Studying the Bible, I have found that the truth of the Eight Beatitudes is a treasure and a great blessing of God for us today.

Despite the world’s circumstances, be it the war in East Europe, the turbulent stock market, or the severe pandemic in Hong Kong where the daily number of confirmed cases is surging; God is leading us to reflect upon His blessings at this very moment. Starting from the Fifth Commandment, God makes us see the blessing brought by honoring our parents. Those who obey this commandment shall receive long life, land, blessings and be the head above all. As we enter into the truth on the Eight Beatitudes, God will bring us hope and blessings.

Last month, days of cold rain and a chain of bad news made us feel like floating in the flood. However, the messages on the Eight Beatitudes have paved the way for us into the ark, bringing hope and blessings. The heavenly blessings are not of the physical world. Rather, they are preserved for us by our Heavenly Father who loves us. The earthly kingdom is shaking but the Heavenly Kingdom is strong and unshakable in our hearts.

I was deeply moved when I studied “The Heavenly 8 Beatitudes” this time. When I read Luke, it says Jesus declared the verses of Isaiah 61 in the synagogue first to begin his preaching life. Then He shared the message on the Eight Beatitudes on the mountain. He should be thinking of the vision verses of 611 sharing that message. I know that God treats me with such a favor. As we came back to Hong Kong in 2000, He gave me the vision of Isaiah 61:1 and the background of the Eight Beatitudes was exactly “611”. Thank God for confirming He would use us as His vessel to release His message.

For many years God has been teaching me to forgive, to humble myself, and to be soft to people. Today God uses me to release the life message of the Eight Beatitudes. As the authority of our church, I have been learning to be humble and soft for many years. While having my own standpoint and discretion, I have to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit closely and listen to the prompting of C-Mo before making the final decision. Then I see the confirmation of the Holy Spirit and things are accomplished one by one and we enter into the blessings prepared for us by God.

Dear brothers and sisters, may we receive the “Heavenly 8 Beatitudes” at this difficult moment to become humble and soft, and sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and to follow God together. And surely we will be blessed!■【2022.03.06】

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