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God’s Salvation Will Come as Priests Intercede

In this Chinese New Year affected by the pandemic, I have written a poem for our dear brothers and sisters:

“The world is beyond my comprehension, it calls for a strong faith.
In order to triumph over the plague, God alone shall be my trust.” 

The world is undergoing rapid changes, but God is our hope. Hence I believe and proclaim that God’s salvation will come soon and the pandemic will be over in no time! May all of you be filled with joy, peace and faith and have victory in God!

The first sermon of this year was “Jehoshua 2022”. Unexpectedly, right after that message, the pandemic in Hong Kong has rebounded. A week later, all physical gatherings were to suspend. Thank God that He has given us revelation through His word beforehand, so that we know that He reigns and will bring salvation. In recent morning devotions, God has confirmed His salvation through different bible verses. First in the book of Hebrews where it states that Christ is the High Priest in the heavens and also the powerful Mediator. He is seated at the right hand of the throne of our heavenly Father and intercedes for us. Then in Psalm 38, where the psalmist acknowledged the Lord as his salvation amid adversaries, “Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation!” (v.22) Facing the severe pandemic, let us also acknowledge the Lord to be our salvation. He will surely make haste to help us.

On C-Mo’s birthday last week, I saw an eagle flying above C-Mo during our stroll. Immediately I captured that as I was aware that it signified that God was leading us, just as He was leading the Israelites. To me, God was real. He sees our difficulties, as described in Psalm 38. Let us trust in God, we shall be delivered from all disasters.

Earlier on, Pastor Deborah saw God’s Light and His gracious Hand embracing the whole Hong Kong in her prayer. Not only will He be with Hong Kong, but He shall also blow away bug-like stuff with a strong east wind, bringing peace and healing to Hong Kong. It signified the pandemic will be over soon. Therefore, I believe firmly that the pandemic will be gone soon. I hope that the pandemic will be over sometime between Purim and the Resurrection Day, so that we will meet each other in physical gatherings again.

We, as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, should work together with the High Priest in the heavens and intercede for the worldwide pandemic. We will hold a 40-day fast, starting on February 7 until Purim. May I encourage brothers and sisters to have one and a half meals each day – take fruits, vegetables and protein food for breakfast, fast your lunch but take dinner with family. I believe it is God who wants us to fast and pray together and His salvation will come to us very soon. [2022.02.06]

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