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Priests Take the Lead in Listening

We finished the preaching series of “Priests Take the Lead in Listening” last Sunday and God has been speaking to us for three consecutive weeks through different messages.

Facing today’s difficulties, including economic turmoil and the prevailing pandemic, people are overwhelmed with fear. Some churches are even at the risk of closedown or merges. But I deeply believe that our God overcomes all difficulties. At this very moment, He wants us to know that we, the priests and preachers of the church, and even each of our brothers and sisters, should take the lead to listen.

When talking about listening, we naturally feel that we are already listening. But in fact, we tend to get used to bad habits. For instance, when we get used to running a red light, it is no longer breaking the traffic regulations to us. When we are so used to negative thoughts and worries, they do not appear to be wrong anymore. We listen to our inner voices only. Today’s world is filled with distrust and false voices and some voices are much more complicated and enticing than before. As a result, people are unable to hear God’s voice and hence unable to locate the way out.

As priests, we should really listen to God’s voice through Morning Devotion and waiting on God every day. When we listen to God, He will lead us Himself and be responsible for us until the end. We just need to follow Him with pure and simple faith. Whatever He says, we listen and then do it. The more difficult our days are, the more we need to listen to God, putting aside our own set of thoughts and ideas. I strongly believe that we will surely enter into God’s grace, protection and blessings.

Today we are at a difficult moment, which is also a moment of final judgment. Apart from the pandemic, the whole earth is also being shaken by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, forest fires and other natural disasters. People are living under death threats. Dear brothers and sisters, let us bow before God and listen to Him now, repenting for treating God with contempt and not listening in the past and pleading for God’s forgiveness and mercy. Like the High Priest who stood between the dead and the living and prayed for the whole earth, let us also pray to Jesus to protect us and the world until the pandemic is over.

May God give us grace in the New Year. In this jour ney of following God, we shall learn to listen fully and follow fully so that we may enter into the blessings He has prepared for us.■【2022.01.30】

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