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By Wife’s Help, Man Shall Return Home

Joined by our writing team, C-Mo and I have been in full force writing part 2 of Homebound! Brothers! The book is a fruit born from the release of Being in our weekly meeting with our publishing co-workers. One of them is Pastor Baruch, who has been our disciple for nearly 20 years. He keeps reflecting, confessing and seeking his wife’s help during the whole writing process and their lives have had major breakthroughs, what a wonderful testimony.

Both Pastor Baruch and C-Mo grew up in Cheung Chau and coincidently got baptized at the same beach. It’s been over 40$1,894 years since I met him in 1977 when I studied in Taiwan. Baruch has always been free-spirited and unbound by others. However, he has experienced breakthroughs in life after joining 611.

Baruch was the first batch graduate of Leadership Institute. His attendance of Morning Devotion was unpredictable because he believed that it was a time between God and him, why should he be bogged down by rules? Never did he sign for attendance, nor sat with his wife. His wife Yuk-man had low self-esteem and was suppressive. Due to great admiration toward her husband, she didn’t see how twisted and stubborn her husband was, there was no way she could be his helper. In their many years of marriage, they respected each other and never quarrelled. This is very unnatural. Thank God that they have had great breakthroughs in life recently. Baruch, being one of the writers for our new book, has absorbed lots of nutrients in our meetings. He has seen his own fallacies, hence he realises he needs his wife’s help. Yuk-man has broken through her suppression and low self-esteem after soaking in the Tree of Life breath. She has begun to confront her husband, turning into a real helper.

When the husband is awakened and accepts his wife’s help, he is not far away from home. Baruch and Yuk-man will be sent to Cheung Chau to set up “Whole Whole 611 Bread of Life Church” soon. How wonderful God is to have Baruch establish a church in his birthplace! When the husband returns home, he will be able to lead his whole family to respond to God’s calling!

I am also grateful for C-Mo’s help as she keeps reminding me to put to death the old Adam in my life. Had it not been her, I would not have had become what I am today. Then there would not have had the Tree of Life vibe in 611 today. During book writing, C-Mo has given me lots of help by releasing the Tree of Life breath, so that the content is much more lively and down to earth. This concretely illustrates the importance of a wife’s help to her husband.

I hereby bless every husband to be able to embrace his wife’s help and to choose love and trust towards God and his wife. In this way, all husbands can surely return to the Garden of Eden and the glory of God shall come upon your families!■【2021.12.19】

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