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The Whole Household Shall Serve the Lord

Last Sunday, in between two typhoons, the Fifth Pastor Ordination Ceremony was held when five pastors were ordained. It was filled with God’s glorious presence! After deciding to hold the ceremony on October 10, we realized that it also marked “Pastor Appreciation Day” as proposed by Focus On The Family. How wonderful is God’s leading!

Pastor ordination is a way the church affirms the life-long and faithful service of a preacher. The most crucial part of the pastor ordination ceremony is the laying on of hands which allows the Holy Spirit to pour out on the body, soul and spirit of the recipient. In this way, they shall receive anointing, gifts and power to shepherd the flock.

During this ordination, God did a new thing – not only did we ordain pastors, we also ordained the wives of three male pastors to be C-Mos. Moreover, children of the ordained pastors also received the laying on of hands onstage. Traditionally, the wife of an ordained pastor plays no specific role. But in fact, the role of a C-Mo is of paramount importance as she is an indispensable helper to the pastor and his church. Hence a pastor is to be united with his C-Mo to become one new “Being” and be more empowered in serving God.

In the past, we only laid hands on the pastor and the spouse. But this year, for the first time we also laid hands on their children. As the Bible says, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15) The ordained pastors are to serve God with their whole household. Being members of the family, their children are also chosen by God. Therefore, we have to protect them in the Spirit in order that they may receive anointing and help from the Holy Spirit.

In the past few months, C-Mo and I visited and dined with each household of the pastors-to-be. It was an opportunity to get to know them and their children. We believe that following and serving God on a family basis will bring even more blessings and fulfillment. The calling of God over Abraham is also for his sons, Isaac, Jacob and all descendants. Therefore, we should not settle for just the couple serving the Lord, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”.

In 1995, I was ordained as a pastor. Twenty-six years later, God has used C-Mo and me to ordain 26 pastors. More amazingly, 26 plus 26 equals 52! God is affirming us in following Him and telling us that it is His heart to “Plant Trees of Life Everywhere in 52 Years”!

We are building up Trees of Life when we build up men and God-serving families! May all of us serve the Lord with our households and plant Trees of Life all over the earth!■【2021.10.17】

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