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How Should We Heed the Word of the Prophet

611 Church, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, develops five-fold gifts. Over the past twenty years, God has been leading us through His revelations to the prophet on our fruitful Tree-of-Life way.

Prophecy is a unique feature of 611 Church. However, let us be honest and ask ourselves if we know how to get along with the prophets and correctly interpret prophecy. Pastor Deborah is a household name in the circle of Chinese churches as a prophetess. Many brothers and sisters seek prophecy from her. Nevertheless, regarding major decisions in life, one must seek God personally first because God loves to speak to man and confirms His words through prophecy.

As the apostle of 611 Church, I have never asked Pastor Deborah to prophesize on personal matters in the past twenty years. In regard to the future direction of our church, I gather our prophets and curator staff to pray and seek God. In 2007, we were to move from North Point Pier to Tsuen Wan. I withdrew myself and sought God for three days. Then God revealed to me: “Tsuen Wan is the center of Hong Kong and I will lead you to establish a central church in Tsuen Wan.” Later on, we found out on the map that Tsuen Wan was indeed the center of Hong Kong. Hence we crossed the Victoria Harbor with God’s confirmation. After moving to Tsuen Wan, we have entered a stage of soaring high as the congregation grew from one thousand to ten thousand. Together, we witness how swiftly God works.

A prophet has his individual sovereignty. He serves whoever God has moved him to. Once, Pastor Anton Cruz paid us a special visit from India just to give us a word from God – God was leading 611 onto an unprecedented way and we were urged to pray more. A few years later, we saw a “611 Highway” in Dubai. Then we realized that the Tree-of-Life way is truly a new opening from God. God has confirmed this prophecy Himself.

An apostle should not follow a prophecy blindly while a prophet should be prudent in not prophesizing for personal gains. Moreover, brothers and sisters should abstain from seeking prophecy all day long, choosing what they want to hear and not what God tells us.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us interpret prophecy correctly, not relying on it. We have received the Holy Spirit and should test all things in our own right. God delights to reveal to those who long for Him through power. Furthermore, He yearns to bring us into abundant life and promises.■【2021.10.03】

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