It happened to be the beginning of Jewish Year 5782 when we received from God that now is a brand new beginning of heavens and earth! The Day of Atonement is approaching, followed by the Sukkot, when Jesus was born. Let’s get prepared to humble ourselves before God and enter into the flow of repentance.
In a curator staff’s meeting early this year when we were preparing ourselves for 40 days of fasting and prayer, God revealed to us: priests and Levites are to take the lead in repentance. Over the past half year, we have been walking on the way of life reflection as led by the Holy Spirit and have checked whether or not we listen to God’s Word, have kindness and mercy; do we have a pure and simple heart and an integrated life. Also, do we esteem Being or Doing more. In this way we keep aligning our lives with God’s heart.
In a meeting of MG leaders at the end of August, prompted by the Holy Spirit, C-Mo felt that it’s the time to repent. So C-Mo and I led all MG leaders into repentance. Then the stream of repentance flowed gently from MG leaders to curator staff’s meeting, then to co-workers’ meeting and last week to all departments. Co-workers were divided into groups to confess sin. All MG leaders and co-workers were deeply touched by the Holy Spirit. They realized their weaknesses and how unworthy they were. Then they were able to receive God’s grace at a deeper level.
We read 1 Kings 7 in Morning Devotion last Thursday (September 2). Solomon was building a number of houses of his own while building God’s temple, using much more time and expensive materials. He loved himself more than God. We are the same as we have not put God first in our life. We need to repent too.
In the Monthly Prayer Meeting on Thursday evening, the three “Special-weight” co-workers: Pastor Jason, Pastor Anna and Pastor Deborah took the lead and openly repented on stage. They confessed that they regard ministry more important than relationship. Emotionally they are not free. They pursue success, and they are arrogant. They let the Holy Spirit shine upon and cleanse them more deeply. I felt that the stream of repentance was flowing from the Mercy Seat to cell leaders and further to cell members and brothers and sisters.
As the Day of Atonement is near, let the whole church enter into confession and repentance from top to bottom and in all cell groups and families. Let’s align ourselves with the Tree of Life and bring down God’s presence so that we will celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles together with God! ■【2021.09.12】