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Passing on “Being” to the Next Generation

Praise the Lord, as our church has just celebrated its 20th anniversary, God has been helping us to discover our “Being”. C-Mo and I do not just try to help co-workers to discover their “Being”, we even upgraded 611 top camp – Couples’ Camp to “Being Couples’ Camp”. Now, even our next generation is taking up on this – they are helping the youth to discover their “Being” and recover the beauty of God’s original creation through Campus Pioneers, basketball camp and youth camp.

Due to the pandemic, Tainan Yong-Ren basketball team was unable to attend our basketball camp this year. Hence, our co-workers took everything upon ourselves including providing the coach. The basketball camp assembles youth who love playing basketball in order to impact their lives through ours. The strategy and skill of the basketball game are just “Doing”, and these shall pass away. But as people get together due to common interests – sport, competition and self-promotion; their exchanges transcend the age gap. This is “Being”.

I have met many youths who might be passive, quiet or even problematic in the eyes of teachers. However, they can talk to their heart’s content in regard to basketball. Their parents were moved as they discovered another side of their children who were beaming, obedient to the coach, even active and proactive. This is the power of community and more so, the effects of their “Being” were unleashed.

During the basketball camp, some turned to Jesus hearing the short preach while others were discipled and ministered at the Morning Devotion session. This is my “Being”. C-Mo gives me a nickname, “Round Square” – basketball is “round” and the Bible is “square”. It means I love playing basketball as well as studying the Word of God. I am a pastor who loves playing basketball, it is a “Being” God puts in me. It is something I find great joy and ease doing.

Penning the book, “Homebound! Brothers!”, I have been meditating on the original creation of God. Hence, I shared on one Morning Devotion not to mistake apple for banana. The Heavenly Kingdom’s “Being” was misunderstood. Back then, people interpreted the Heavenly Kingdom from the perspective of “Doing”, having high hopes that Messiah shall restore the nation of Israel. However, God talked about eternity.

I also ask myself, how may I discover my “Being”? Many times, our “Doing” is not out of our “Being”. Instead, we are driven by world standards and approval. For example, we are expected to work hard, buy a flat, get married and have children etc. These are “Doing”, and not the directions given by God. All these shall pass away. It is also extremely draining when we pursue these things and at the end of the day, we are unable to take any of these with us. Only when we embrace what God gives us, then we can discover our “Being”. Jesus discovered that He was the Saviour and the Son of God. Then He walked towards His “Being”. Likewise, gradually, I discover that I am an apostle who loves the Word of God and playing basketball.

May God open up our eyes of eternity so that we see that we are God’s unique creation in the community. May each of us find our “Being” – the original “self” God has created us.■【2021.08.15】

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