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Live out Being, New Milestone of Couples’ Camp

Thanks be to the Holy Spirit who led our church to hold a brand new “Being Couples’ Camp” for co-workers and MG leaders. There were no pre-set rundown, notes nor tutors. Yet, the twenty couples who participated were greatly amazed as their marital relationships experienced major breakthrough.

C-Mo received directly from the Holy Spirit, and I collaborated with her wholeheartedly. Having the Word of God in my heart, I was able to use it as prompted by the Holy Spirit. By the ever-flowing fountain of truth, every couple was changed. BEING is the essence God has put in our lives when He created us. We do not just settle for good martial relationship. Instead, we should live out the BEING of a husband, father, wife or mother. Then we can actualize the missions of ruling the earth and bring all things to God.

Take Baruch and Yuk-man for example, they have been married for dozens of years. In the past, Baruch played the role of a kind father while Yuk-man was the strict mother in the eyes of their elder daughter. The mother-daughter relationship was thus distant. During the camp, Yuk-man spoke out her long-suppressed guilt and self-condemnation in tears. Praise the Lord, Baruch was able to lay down himself and understand the pain, suffering and loneliness of his wife. As he did that, he simply burst out crying and admitted his faults sincerely. Finally, he understood that it seemed he was giving his daughters room and freedom. But actually, he didn’t live out his BEING of a husband and father. Neither did he shoulder responsibility, and hence, his wife was put through misery.

During the process of growing up, we have been twisted or hurt by the outside world. These hurts and wounds have corrupted parts of our lives. We should remove these parts and to restore the BEING that God has put in us to be a husband and father or a wife and mother. We also expose the good qualities in our lives, such as purity, love and affection. These are parts of our BEING.

The “Being Couple’s Camp” has taken us into a higher level – the wife restores her BEING as a “helper” while the husband embraces the help from his wife so that his BEING as the “head” will be restored. This way, the blueprint of God given to man in the Garden of Eden recorded in the book of Genesis will be made true in all the earth, leading the families around the world to return to Christ and be the head over all things.

In the previous numerous Couples’ Camp, we have taught “ABC” communication skills. Few years back, we published the book “The Intimate Opponent” where we mentioned Glorious Ladder and the four mountains of husband and of wife. Now, we talk about “BEING”. It is a new milestone. How thankful I am that God has been leading us. May God continue to bless us from one generation to the other. Then, through Couples’ Relationship, Tree of Life shall be planted everywhere.■【2021.08.08】

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