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A Vision Like An Eagle

Our church has entered into a new cycle after twenty years and is prepared to welcome greater work and grace of God! Looking back, God has given us a far-reaching vision like an eagle. It has enabled us to keep progressing as well as to pass on this vision to generations.

Back in 2001 when God brought C-Mo and I back to Hong Kong to establish this church, He also gave us the vision and blueprint of establishing “611”. Moreover, He has enabled us to make decision and consider church matters and ministry with the perspectives and vision of eternity. Hence, by God’s Grace, we have inherited land. During the process of property purchase, long-term development is always one of our deciding factors.

In 2007, God enabled us to possess our first property: the first floor of Wealthy Garden. Thereafter step by step, we have bought the second floor of Wealthy Garden, where the Mercy Seat Sanctuary is as well as the CMC in Young Ya. Now, we also own the “Hiding Place” and the Eden Garden in Cheung Chau. We are purchasing many properties not just for this generation. We are making it possible for the next generation to continue using and developing them.

Back in December 2000, God made an everlasting covenant with me one evening. At that time, I was up in a mountain in San Francisco when I saw an eagle which guided me to the mountain top. With a bible in my hand and the setting sun shining on me, I knelt down facing the light. Knowing that God had something to tell me, I prayed to Him, offering myself and all my offspring of generations to Him. I vowed that all of us would commit ourselves to following God until the return of Jesus. Furthermore, I asked God to raise up and bless every generation. After my prayer, besides the setting sun, there were the moon and stars, lightning and thundering as well as rainclouds and rainbow before my eyes. As I knew God was there, I made the Covenant of Heavens and Earth with Him there and then.

After coming back to Hong Kong, I received from God that He would establish a mega church with branch churches all over the world. God would mightily use this church, not just for several years or some decades, but until the return of Jesus Christ. After the church is established, I have strived to pass on such vision from generation to generation and telling all branch churches to align with God and follow Him.

Therefore, from the first day of 611, I have been asking God for a campsite where we can hold retreat, have prayer, conduct discipleship and build relationships. We shall continue to consider property purchase in the light of eternity in order to pass on the godly life from generation to generation. God will surely be with us and with our offspring of generations!■【2021.08.01】

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