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Genuinely Connect with the Next Generation

I thank God that, as the Resurrection Day approaches, the government has given an exemption from gathering restriction to religious organizations – hence, we are able to resume onsite services! It’s so exciting for us, and we look forward to it! God really listens to our prayers!

Last Thursday, when we read Chapter 11 of 1 Samuel, the rhema that God gave us was verse 9: “Tomorrow, by the time the sun is hot, you shall have help.” Amazingly, the very next day, we received the news that the government might allow the resumption of onsite gatherings of religious groups. At the same time, in the “Following God” series, we filmed the 53rd episode – 53 marking “the beginning of a new cycle.” At this very moment was when we received the news from the government. Moreover, this was the week in which we finished our 40 days of prayer and fasting. This is all God’s amazing leading and timing. It is my hope that onsite services are here to stay!

This Wednesday, we read Chapter 14 of 1 Samuel. Jonathan trusted God, and did what was pleasing to God. All the Israelites supported him and said, “not one hair of his head shall fall to the ground, for he has worked with God this day.” The original word of “has worked” has also the meaning of “salvation”. We should also proclaim that the church will work with God to help Hong Kong, and to bring salvation to the city.

Recently, I have heard some young people express that they could not see the future of Hong Kong after the social movement of last year, and they even wanted to emigrate. I understand that facing the challenges of the circumstances, our next generation feels difficulty. But I believe that God is in our midst. He is the Saviour; He will surely lead our young people forward.

We should also connect with the next generation and embrace them. When we have established a genuine relationship with them, we will bring them hope. Only when we have a genuine life fearful of God, can we have influence on our next generation. When the parents see the problems of their children, they have to speak up. In the same way, when they discover their own weaknesses, they should also share it with their children honestly. This is because genuineness is the most important in establishing a relationship, and is also a prerequisite for following God.

King Saul had religious behaviours only. He feared man, but not God. He had been busy on superficial godliness, and as a result lost his family, then the heart of the people, then finally God’s help. When we fear man, hiding what we actually must say, pretending to be Godly – this leads our children away from God. So, we have to be genuine, removing our religious hypocrisy. When we have established a genuine relationship with God and are able to express our true feelings, able to understand our children’s feelings – we will become closely connected with the next generation, able to lead them to follow God.

Dear brothers and sisters, though we face the turmoils of the world, we should embrace the next generation with genuine godliness. We should lead them to align with God; we must continue to follow God with them, hand-in-hand despite the difficulties – then He will surely lead us onto a new and lively way. [2021.04.04]

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