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Do Whatever Your Hand Finds to Do, God is with You

This week marks the 52nd episode of “Following God”, which means we have done it for one whole year. Coincidentally, we held annual leaders’ meeting last Sunday. Thank God for being with us always. When we walk in His will and do whatever our hand finds to do, as the situation demands; we have greatly experienced His protection and abundant provision.

Looking back the past year, God’s grace has been full among us – despite hardship, His peace has been with us. The life of our co-workers has been more integrated: we put relationship before ministry and we discuss and move together. God has raised up over a thousand cell leaders and the online cell meetings are active and lively. Instead of reducing in number, our congregation has grown by 9%. Supernaturally, God has also blessed our finance, providing all that we need.

During the pandemic, God has raised up the media and pushed us to a new paradigm as the situation demands, turning us into a “media church”. At just the right time, God brought Wei Min and Jo Lyn from Singapore to us. Moreover, we purchased and installed all the online equipment just before the outbreak of the pandemic. It has enabled the church to have a paradigm shift in gatherings, including Sunday services and cell group meetings. The shift was swift and our production is of very high quality.

Actually I am not good with media, social platforms or I.T. Personally, I do not have a FB account. I watch Youtube merely for my interest, basketball. Instead, I simply follow God. Last week when some co-workers suggested adding a Chit-Chat session before and after the service, I sensed that it was from God and decided to give it a try. As a result, the number of online chats was boosted and it helped to prepare the heart of brothers and sisters for the service. It was fruitful and I am thankful and excited for that.

Now we run both onsite and online services. Each pastoral zone has its own onsite and online worship services. Every department is involved. Furthermore, cell groups are meeting on zoom, even the Children Church. God is leading us onto a wider path and platform. In the future, when the pandemic is over, we will maintain this paradigm.

In the Morning Devotion last Wednesday, we read on 1 Samuel 10, when God asked Saul to do whatever his hand finds to do. “And let it be, when these signs come to you, that you do as the occasion demands; for God is with you.”(1 Samuel 10:7) This verse I would like to give to all brothers and sisters. Today God is speaking to us: whatever the situation we find ourselves in, we just do as it demands without fear. Rather, we arise and serve faithfully. God is with us and has been leading us and providing for us. Let us continue to follow Him in faith.■[2021.03.28]

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