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Holy Day, Not Holiday

What a great treasure it is that we have begun on “Exploring the Ten Commandments” in Sunday preaching. Personally, the meaning of “come before God”, which is “to worship Him”, and “in His presence”. The Sabbath Day is a Holy Day, not a Holiday! When we make the Sabbath Day holy and offer it to Him, we worship Him and connect with Him; He will surely bless us greatly.

Taking a closer look at the words “Holy Day” and “Holiday”, if we consider the Sabbath Day a “Holiday”, where letter “I” is in the middle, it is an “I”-centered concept: Sunday belongs to me, it is my holiday!

Last Sunday, during my preaching on the 4th Commandment, “Keep the Sabbath Day”, I used seven five-hundred notes to represent the 7 days God gives us every week. We often consider them all ours and spend them as we want it – an “I”-centered way. We go hiking or join all kinds of activities. During the pandemic, we watch the services online, whenever we are free. We spend the Sabbath Day in a holiday mood. Even when onsite service was on, we checked mobile phones and planned our lunch during service. We didn’t make the day holy and offer it to God.

However, this preaching reminds us that the middle letter of Holy Day is “Y”, representing Yahweh. It means we are to be God-centered – we offer our heart to Him and we belong to Him totally. I am in much trembling: in the future, I am to go to the Mercy Seat early instead of preparing my sermon until the last minute. It should not be God who waits for me but it should be me waiting for Him because He longs to connect with us.

How is keeping the Sabbath Day related to God’s mercy? The first half of Chapter 58 of Isaiah talks about showing mercy in fasting and not to exploit others. Then verses 13-14 talk about keeping the Sabbath Day, and God will elevate His people to be above all, they shall receive His provision in all things and all His promises will be fulfilled.

Mercy is about the being of our life and not the outward doing. The Sabbath Day is the climax of a week. During the week, we should lead a life of mercy. On Sabbath Day, our life shall overflow. As it is the being of God, it should be our being as well, manifested greatly on the Sabbath Day. God will surely bless us greatly.

Dear brothers and sisters, how should we follow God? Listening is the key as everything begins with it. Only when we can listen, then we can follow. If you are not feeling blessed at the moment, it could be you have not made the Sabbath Day holy. You are still holiday-minded and I-centered. We have to listen and adjust our pace on Sabbath Day. When God called me and C-Mo to come back to Hong Kong, we listened to Him and came back. Now God has raised us up greatly. He is real. When we listen, He speaks to us and leads us, and we will surely experience His blessings.■[2021.03.14]

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