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Pleasing God and Making One’s Wife Happy

Last Tuesday (Jan 26) marked C-Mo Delphine’s birthday. I always encourage husbands to put their hearts and souls into celebrating their wives’ birthdays and their wedding anniversaries, to express their love and respect. In the past, I always wrote Delphine a poem on her birthday. As our latest book “Return Home, Brothers” shall be published soon, I have written the preface for the book, to show her my love and gratitude.

When the church was first planted, we ministered with the gifts and anointings of the Holy Spirit. People outside the church didn’t understand, but thankfully, C-Mo was always there for me. Even though the world is in turmoil and the going gets tough, I continue to follow God unwaveringly, and I continue to please Him and make my wife happy!

Before meeting C-Mo, I was like flotsam, floating aimlessly on the ocean. After I came to know her in Taiwan in my school days, I started to have changes in my life. I was called “King of Brick Walls” at that time. In the past twenty years, we have returned to Hong Kong to establish the 611 Church, and God has made us into a Tree of Life. I thank Delphine for her help in my life. She is the leader in writing the book “Return Home, Brothers” . She has seen the difficulties faced by many couples, and turned many of the weaknesses of my life into nutrients, to supply the brothers and sisters.

In the process of writing this book, we needed to dig out many of the weaknesses in my life: this has caused conflicts now and then. So I needed to love my wife, and to be more than willing to let her “Being, as created by God,” out, so that she becomes my helper. I needed also to lay myself down and learn to listen. I have benefitted as a result, and I continue to grow as a Tree of Life, so that I may help others to find the way of the Tree of Life.

On this birthday of C-Mo, I thank her for becoming my helper and my composter. She is also the leader in the writing of the book “Return Home, Brothers” . Not only that, but she has even changed my writing pattern: in the past, I wrote length passages, but for this book, Delphine has prescribed it to be written concisely, illustrated with rich warm pictures.

Her ideas are very good, seeing as the intention of the book is not to satisfy the reasoning of men – but rather to enable men to embrace their children and tell them the stories in the book, leading them to know God and the truth that God blesses people and the world.

The problems of the world today are no doubt the problems of people, and men are the origin. The book “Return Home, Brothers” has crystallized the teachings from our Couples’ Camps over the years, and included the biblical insights as inspired by God. The book aims at helping men in bondage to go home, i.e., to return to the Garden of Eden, the home that God has given us. The book will be published soon, and we hope that every brother and sister will read it attentively, and receive the promises and blessings in following God.• [2021.01.31]

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