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The Lord Sees

The year 2020 will end in just two weeks’ time. In the beginning of this year, God revealed to me that it would be a year of seeing. God is faithful and we have indeed seen that God is with us and leading the whole church forward!

MG leader Jason preached Joshua 5 last Sunday (the second week of December). Coincidently I shared the same bible passage on the second Sunday of December last year, titled “Be Holy to Triumph”. What a coincidence it was to preach the same bible passage exactly one year apart! This time last year, Hong Kong was facing the great challenge brought by social movement. Now, Hong Kong is under severe threat of pandemic and the society is struggling. However, from the Word of God, we see that God is with us amid hardship.

After leading all the Israelites to cross over Jordan River, at God’s Word, Joshua circumcised all sons of Israel. Then they kept the Passover on the plains of Jericho. Facing the enemies before him, Joshua “lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand”. When Joshua sought help from God, he lifted his eyes and looked, and then he saw the Commander of the army of the Lord!

Hence I was prompted to look for bible passages with the same sentence structure. I discovered that in Genesis 22:13, when Abraham was going to offer Isaac to God, he also “lifted his eyes and looked, and there…was a ram…instead of his son.” And Abraham called the name of the place, Yahweh Yireh. Yireh (Ra’ah) means “to see” in original Hebrew, and so “In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided” means “Yahweh sees”. When facing difficulty, Abraham and Joshua both obeyed God’s Word first and then lifted their eyes and looked, and they saw that “God sees and God provides”!

Likewise, I obeyed God’s Word and came back to Hong Kong and established this church. God has been watching over us and preparing everything for us. For instance, before the pandemic hit us badly and all physical gatherings were to be suspended, God had already seen our needs and prepared media experts and equipment for us. Therefore, our church could go online and do live broadcast immediately after all onsite services came to a halt. Moreover, our Leadership Institute is able to go live streaming, reaching worldwide and turning into an online school. It’s all His Preparation and Provision.

Dear brothers and sisters, today God wants us to continue to obey His Word and seek His help in difficult situations. We will definitely see that He watches over us and prepares and supplies everything for us. Hence we shall lack nothing, hallelujah.•[2020.12.20]

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