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Welcoming the Harvests

With Morning Devotion marching on to the book of Acts, we are likewise marching on to the big harvest of souls in the coming revival. We had the drama of Philip in last week’s worship services. In the drama, a great persecution arose against the disciples of Christ in Jerusalem, and Philip rose up to preach the gospel. The situation was tough, but the work of the Holy Spirit was not hindered. Today, even facing the global pandemic and economic downturn, the evangelistic work of God is not hindered. If we are to follow God closely, we should keep moving forward despite the circumstances.

Last Wednesday, we received from God that we shall have three waves of evangelistic movements. That Friday, we read Chapter 8 of Acts in Morning Devotion. It talked about the second deacon Philip, who rose up to spread the gospel after the martyrdom of Stephen. Right after we contemplated the evangelistic movement, God confirmed it! C-Mo was also prompted by the Holy Spirit to propose a drama of Philip to be performed at Sunday services, to promote the gospel movement. That Friday we had another meeting, and in that meeting, right on the spot, we called two co-workers there to act in the drama: one as Philip, the other as the eunuch. As the Sunday message was on the Ten Commandments, we arranged the drama to be shown beforehand, during the M.C. section. Though short, it was powerful and full of life, and received lots of positive feedback.

At the same time, I am grateful for Pastor Lyan, who loves evangelism. She got married at the end of last year, and has been busy adapting to the her new environment, her new family, and her new house. This has been exhausting for her – but today, as our church has entered into the new cycle, Lyan’s passion for spreading the gospel has been reignited! On the shore of the big waves of harvest, God has given her to our church, and we are to welcome the big harvest together. Thank God!

Looking around today’s world and Hong Kong, the economic and social difficulties are becoming more obvious, and the tensions and stresses are growing. The relationship between generations in families, and between the government and its people, is being torn apart more and more. I believe that Jesus is coming back soon. This is the time of judgment, and also the time of revival and big harvest. So God is using the church to respond to Him.

As the church, and as the people of Hong Kong, how are we to respond to God? We should follow God and not the world! Take myself as an example: regardless of the circumstances, I faithfully go to church to have the Morning Devotion, to tend the lamp for God and to receive the guidance of His word. In this time of tribulation, the church should transcend politics. We should voice out for the Truth from the spiritual perspective, speak the right words to the world, and point out the right way for our brothers and sisters. We stand firm in the Truth and follow God by Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit, because “in returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”

Dear brothers and sisters, we should give great thanks. Though the external circumstances are tough, we are still following God closely and have experienced the great protection and providence of God. Today, we should press forward and respond to the three waves of evangelistic movement: we welcome the big harvest of souls!•[2020.11.22]

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