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Enter into Promise with Big Faith

Getting up one morning, I witnessed rare breath-taking sunrise scenery. The dawn light radiated upwards with its reflection resting on the tranquil sea surface. It’s not easy to see the dawn in Hong Kong due to crowded space. Even if we do happen to see it, the light usually shines downwards. Yet the light was shining upwards there and then. Through that, I believe God wants us to be more glorious and go higher. It is my belief that God spoke to us through astronomical phenomenon, confirming that He had accepted our offering at the Feast of Tabernacles. He encourages us to continue to follow His word read on morning devotions because He will give us revelations and guidance. Thinking of that, my heart is filled with joy.

The revelations and guidance of our heavenly Father have never ceased. Last Wednesday morning devotion, we read Numbers chapter 34 where God spoke to Moses, “Command the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter Canaan, the land that will be allotted to you…'”. The original Hebrew means “fall unto you’. When Joshua led the Israelites into the land of Canaan, Jericho was their first battlefield. What was the result? After they marched around the city and prayed, God made the walls of Jericho fall down flat. As long as we are willing to march in faith, even fortified cities will fall down and its inhabitants will be completely driven out.

The problem is that after entering into the city, the Israelites did not drive out the inhabitants as God had commanded due to their lack of faith or greed for resources. As a result, these became a snare to them. The Bible depicted an enormous area promised by God to the Israelites, but many places mentioned in Chapter 34 of Numbers are unknown to us today. Even at the time of kings, the land possessed was far smaller than that promised by God. Some places in God’s promise are unreached and unknown to God’s people, what a pity.

It has been nearly twenty years that 611 church was established. When we follow God in faith, He has given us a lot of lands. When we were meeting at North Point, we were asked to leave and God led us to Tsuen Wan. In faith, we asked and received, then God gives us land one after another.

Today our heavenly Father reminds us again to have faith. Facing the COVID-19, while the whole earth is geared up against the fourth wave, we still have peace. Our church has resumed physical services for three consecutive weeks. God’s peace is in our mist and many families have brought their children to church. The pandemic in Hong Kong is easing down, this is a different picture from the rest of the world because we have been praying and confessing sins. When we have faith in God, He will make fortified cities fall down! We shall have the faith to keep praying for pandemic and plead God to stop it. It will certainly stop when God wills.

Dear brothers and sisters, when entering into the land promised by God, we should have big faith; neither compromising nor trading the best for the second best. We should never diminish God or His promise. As Christians, we should not settle for enjoying little things in life. Instead, we are to believe in God’s promise for church and enter our destiny to actualize greater glory and bless the whole world.•[2020.10.25]

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