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Following God, not the Circumstances

Praise the Lord, this year, it was unprecedented that we had celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles over two consecutive Sundays. The government granted “places of worship” a relaxation of the ban of gathering, which took effect right on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, allowing physical services to take place. We stand amazed by the wonderful presence of God among us.

On the first Sukkot celebration service, I preached on “Christ was Born in Feast of Tabernacles”; and on the second one, the musical “King of Love: the Prequel” was presented by the Kingdom Artists. The young prince in the musical was hit hard by difficulties. Due to his inner fear, he chose to evade the reality and ran away to a distant country where he went through a lot of ups and downs and was imprisoned in the end. In utter despair, he prayed with his wife and realized that his home country was his root. The calling of God for little prince helped him to overcome his inner fear and brought him back to his own land and destiny.

The musical reflects the current Hong Kong situation. Out of fear, some people are planning on emigration. That brought back a lot of memories to me – when I was in primary school, I set my heart to contribute to Hong Kong in 1997 when Hong Kong was handed over back to China and I would be in my forties, my prime. Sadly, when I grew up, I was just like many people who were afraid of the potential changes in Hong Kong and believed that the grass is greener on the other side. I chose to study theology in Vancouver and stayed on after graduation, pastoring a church for more than a decade and going through a lot of hardship. During my time in Vancouver, I was unable to commit myself to the land. In fact, the land didn’t require any of my devotion. It was a rootless feeling, too much to bear.

Thank God for calling me back to Hong Kong to plant church. Promptly, I answered His call and came back to Hong Kong in April 2001. The very moment I reached Hong Kong, I laid my hands on the land and prayed to God, declaring that I would devote myself to the land and serve God until His return.

In a blink of an eye, it has been almost twenty years now. Time flies when you are following God because He keeps doing new things. Now 611 has grown to a church of nearly ten thousand people and God is even using us to plant Trees of Life everywhere and to bless the world. We are excited and most grateful for His abundant grace.

Despite the turmoil we are facing, I am still full of hope for Hong Kong. It was God who called me back, therefore, when I choose to follow God, He is with me at all times! Dear brothers and sisters, in the midst of trials, do not make choice out of fear. We are to follow God, not the circumstances. We can overcome fear when we devote ourselves to God and He will surely be with us. May I urge everyone to devote ourselves deeper to God and to Hong Kong in this new cycle, we will surely taste revival and peace.•[2020.10.18]

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