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Two Generations Hand in Hand

How do young people think, when we talk about “Following God in the End Times” ? What do they think? Are they ready? Under the influence of the atmosphere of Tree of life, what about the young people we lead? Facing the end times, young people need greater protection and cover from the previous generation.

Many people may find the “End Times” both familiar and foreign. Having read about it in books and having heard about it before, they still think that the deeper meaning of the “End Times” is unknown. Recently, we discussed the “End Times” with our youth co-workers and also with the whole co-worker family. We asked them to share and respond.

Co-worker Ripple reflected deeply on the interaction and connection between the two generations. She gave this response: “Some parents may feel like it is their ‘End Times’ when they can’t communicate with their children, when there is no understanding or nothing to discuss between each other. Now, I am discipled by the church; so that care and love I received, I know how to pass them down to my cell members.”

Yahxuan from the Youth Army said that in her youth cell group, she urged her cell members to be sensitive to the movement of God, and to discern the causes behind the turbulences in today’s world. She urged her youth to gird their loins, to be watchful, and to learn how tofollow God in the End Times.

Jingjun from the Children’s Church is a young mother of two children. She said that she is normally fearful of the unknown. However, if even she herself is not wellprepared and well-adjusted in mind for the coming of God, she would be unable to teach her children to follow God in the difficult times to come. Therefore, she craves more and more to draw closer to God.

It is understood that young people face various struggles. Some are still waiting for marriage, others are worrying about the education of their young children or about their financial planning, etc. What about the previous generation? Tian Hui said that having gone through more than half of their lifespan, they have therefore experienced much of this world. Therefore, this generation may have an easier time being set free from burdens and concerns, and being able to cherish their time left on Earth and concentrate on fighting the good fight for the Lord.

The Book of Malachi speaks of turning the hearts of the fathers to the children, and turning the hearts of the children to the fathers. It also refers to the atmosphere of the Tree of Life, as it talks about the two generations moving forward, hand in hand. Regardless of our ages, are you and I ready to Follow God in the End Times?•[2020.07.12]

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