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Be the Kingdom Disciples

Thank God for two exciting things this week! The new Creative Media Center (CMC) in Young Ya was opened this Monday. All two hundred of our co-workers worked together to clean up the CMC, putting all things into place. Within three hours, Young Ya was turned anew. Immediately after, we resumed onsite morning devotion on Tuesday. I was deeply touched to see the return of our brothers and sisters to God’s sanctuary with longing hearts.

Coincidentally, we were reading Chapter 13 of the Book of Matthew during morning devotion on Tuesday. Verse 52 says, “Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heavens is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.” It reminds us that C-Mo is like the householder the day before. She brought out all furniture, new and old, and led our co-workers as they decorated the CMC. God was not only guiding us in doing everything but also telling us that the kingdom of heavens has begun and we are to become disciples of the kingdom of heavens.

We have been preaching on the “Parables of Kingdom of Heavens” for several weeks. This time as I read Matthew, much feelings welled up from within me. Our world is becoming more and more difficult. Last year there were movements against the Extradition Bill and this year we have the pandemic outbreak. As of the date this note was written, the spread of COVID-19 over the world had resulted in more than 5.7 million confirmed cases and 350,000 deaths and economic turmoil, pay cuts and retrenchment follows… Why did such unprecedented predicament occur? The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see that all disasters are signs of the end times. But my dear brothers and sisters, we shall not be afraid because our days are in the hands of God.

It is like what we experienced on 8th February, God leading us as we connected with all branch churches through live streaming. We made the offering of atonement, humbled ourselves and sought God, confessed our sin and the peace of God came upon us. During the outbreak of the pandemic, God protected us and our branch churches and none among us was infected. The same thing was experienced by the Israelites who faced the ten plagues in Egypt. None of them was affected. We really need to offer our thanksgivings to God. We will connect online with Macau and Taiwan during this Sunday service and offer peace offerings to God to thank Him for blessing us with peace in our body, mind and soul.

Dear brothers and sisters, the kingdom of heavens is expanding. We shall rise up to respond to God’s word and become disciples of the kingdom of heavens, following God closely.•[2020.05.31]

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