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Filled with God’s Goodness

The outbreak of the pandemic worldwide has brought social and economic turmoils and the overall external circumstances become more and more unpredictable. We lose sense of direction easily if we follow the trend of the world. Things we accumulate in the world can turn worthless in one night! However, when we are in the Lord and follow Him, we have a clear direction. We know that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. It’s becoming bigger and bigger in our mist and our life fulfilment and joy are increasing!

Facing the pandemic, those following God have no worries as God is leading the way. In our curators’ meeting last Tuesday, we were discussing the resumption of physical gatherings in Sunday service. Unexpectedly at 4:00pm that day the government announced that religious gathering restrictions would be eased conditionally. Thank God for leading us ahead of the governmental measures and we did not waste time in that respect.

On 8th February, we entered the truth of 2 Chronicles 7:14 in our global live broadcast with all branch churches, when we confessed sins for the pandemic and knelt down before God to intercede for the society and the land, and prayed that we turn from sins to God. Later, God worked in my heart again. I had the feeling that many eyes are looking at us. So we decided to stop physical gatherings. Immediately after that the government announced the restrictions on group gathering.

We have to be very sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit. At that moment we also notified all global branch churches to stop physical gatherings. Meanwhile, we changed to online gatherings and the major equipment for video recordings and live broadcast arrived just on time. On the following Sunday, we started live streaming, which has been in operation since then, fourteen weeks up to now.

It’s exciting to follow God! He crowns the year with His bounty, and His carts overflow with abundance. His crown and grace are His goodness. Year after year we have been under His blessings and become transformed. We enjoy more and more goodness as we follow God closely.

Waves of good news happen in our church: the Creative Media Center project is finally accomplished, and the relationships among co-workers turn better and their lives are renewed. These are all the work of God. He is building up the tree of life church. The goodness He bestows upon us is amazing.• [2020.05.24]

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