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Following God Closely

“Following God” is not only our Tree of Life belief, but also my attitude in leading our church all these 19 years. Two things that I ask the most are: “What is God doing?” “What is He telling us?” As long as we follow the flow of the Holy Spirit closely, we will witness miracles! God has prompted me in a dream to change the title of this column from “Pastor’s Note” to “Following God”. May we all listen to His Word and follow Him.

Last week, we had our second global live broadcast, with 43 branch churches in 11 countries and regions. It has been only two months since the first one. In this pandemic, we are developing a deeper connection with our branch churches. As our gatherings go online, it is not just our physical participants joining us – our branch churches also increasingly join our online services. On the whole, the depth and width of pulpit discipleship have enhanced greatly.

Before deciding to run this live broadcast, we had already planned to preach on the eleventh core value on Sunday service: “More Love, More Trust.” However, we didn’t plan to put repentance together with the preaching of “More Love, More Trust.” It just happened that this rundown was confirmed within a very short time before the live broadcast that day. Amazingly, the two components matched perfectly.

Our brothers and sisters were able to see on the screen the tearful sin confession of branch pastors. Their open and sincere interaction with their authorities showed exactly what true love and trust can be, delivering the message and also their testimonies. Through this service, we got to know our churches better. We developed a closer connection and relationship with them. I am deeply thankful, and greatly amazed. All these are not of human hands, but of God’s plan.

Reading on Psalm 119 in morning devotion this week, we asked God to reveal us His laws and commands. It’s by God’s grace that we could understand His Word. Not only do we read His Word, but also live our life sincerely. Following God is not an easy option, and we will face the hostility of the world and slander of some leaders. However the circumstances may be, we shall keep ourselves away from lies. We rise up early before God, and feed ourselves with God’s Word instead of junk messages of the world. We stand firm on God’s Word, which is also the Tree of Life. When we can keep His way of truth and His testimony, we will be able to bring breath to the earth and bless the whole world.

I have never thought of becoming a leader. All I have in mind is following God wholeheartedly. Today we can break through the deadlock of the pandemic and use live-streaming not because I want to do so, but because God has planned it. All I have done is following God. I don’t regard myself as a vision pioneer, rather, I’m a vision carrier.

Dear brothers and sisters, God gives grace to the humble. The lower we admit ourselves to be in life, the greater God’s grace will be. Since our repentance in the first global live broadcast of online service with our branch churches in February 9, God has been with us and we have His peace and protection. God is faithful, and I declare that He will give us even greater peace after Passover.•[2020.04.12]

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