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God Is Always Leading Us

This year, as we celebrate the Festival of Purim during this COVID-19 epidemic, we strongly sense that God is leading the way for our church. Wonderfully He arranges all: He sustains us with His Word and Power, so that we may have love and peace this whole time. Can all these be mere coincidences?! Instead, I deeply feel that God sees us and lifts us up so that we are not afraid. He will stretch out His hand and deliver us.

Last December, when the outbreak of COVID-19 had not been announced publicly in China, we had a retreat on a cruise with our MG leaders, sixty of us in total. We shudder as we now realize the potential danger we were under. Early this year, God sent Pastor Anton to call us to fast. As soon as the news of epidemic came, we immediately responded by declaring 40-day fasting and prayer for the whole church that would end on March 10: the Eve of Purim and also the 100th day of the occurrence of COVID-19. Hence we proclaim: defeat shall be turned to victory!

These days, God has been leading, comforting, and guiding us with His Word. Through these months, during the morning devotion “tending the Lamp” time, through the book of Habakkuk, book of Thessalonians, and even Psalm 62 which we read this Wednesday, God has been catering to our needs. He encourages us to silently wait for Him, as our salvation and hope are from Him, and from Him comes our salvation. Those who wait on Him shall be surely saved. Therefore, we must look to Him alone, relying not on power. He is our defense and rock, and we will not be moved. God is our strength and we are thankful that when man is panicking, He keeps strengthening and comforting us.

When the epidemic situation was deteriorating rapidly, the merciful God upheld us with His power so that we responded quickly and changed all the physical gatherings to online worship services. By the full collaboration of the media army, we held a global live worship service of 33 branch churches! Next, we started to broadcast our worship online and to run our cell group discipleship online. This year, our Purim celebration will be changed from our usual musicals to a puppet show and story-telling. The priestly community is taking up different roles, exercising their gifts as they rise up mightily.

Lastly, I am hugely grateful for God’s love and peace among us. Last June, I received in Israel that the peace of Jerusalem will come to Hong Kong! As we face this ferocious pandemic, God’s peace has been with us. Brothers and sisters are demonstrating their love to the church and to one another. Despite today’s inconveniences in transportation, I was told of brothers and sisters hanging around the church as though longing to enter. Their love and thought for the church are deeply moving. The expenses for church building and daily operations are high, but God still provides, how thankful I am!

Dear brothers and sisters, may God remember everybody’s offering. In this difficult time, our faith, strength, and internal cohesion grow even stronger. Though the economy is adversely impacted and we are hugely challenged, God still reigns. We continue to humble ourselves and long for God, we continue to confess sins and “see” so that we may follow God in faith and wait silently. God is in control, surely good news shall come!•[2020.03.15]

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